Accu Chek Performa Nano


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All.

I have just been given this machine and finger pricker to keep a check on my blood glucose. The instruction manual says that the data can be transferred to a computer using the IR port, I have not seen one of those on either a laptop or desktop for years.

Does anyone know or can suggest an adaptor that I can use with a Mac?

Best regards
If you’ve got a USB port you can get an an adapter for less than a tenner. I’m a PC man, so I don’t know the anatomy of Macs. Look on Amazon and search for USB IR.

I agree, it is primitive technology, I don’t even have a telly that uses it.
Roche didn't have anything for the Mac when I had my software in 2009 - but who knows now?

Ring the helpline and ask!
A program to display the data is the first thing to source. Ask the manufacturer if such is available for your machine, and from where to download it. The manufacturer will also be able to supply the cable to connect to your computer.
Roche, have software available, but just in case I am having my PC repaired, but I will look on Amazon thanks