Accu Chek Insight Pre-Menstrual Health Event Setting

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Leanne S

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

When I was first set up on my Accu Chek Insight two years ago I didn't enter the settings for the pre-menstrual health event because I wasn't having periods at that point. Now they've restarted (and it's fine, I know why) I was wondering if someone could please tell me the default health event percentage they were given during their set-up?

Hi Leanne, as you have identified there are changes in basal rates needed.

I was a bit too old when diagnosed to need that alteration on my pump, but I am sure someone younger will pop up with an idea. Otherwise it is just try a best quests and the test and adjust as for other things.

Let us know how you get on.
I never found any regular pattern so wasn’t able to adjust my basal for pmt.
Ring the helpline on Monday, Leanne - same tel no as the order line - cos my hysterectomy predated my pump so I would have tuned out anyway. Or you could of course consult the manual!
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