I'm Here
Tips and Tricks...
I up-graded from the older spirit pump to the Combo at Christmas and I do actually like it and get on fine...
The menu on the pump side is pretty straight forward and well arranged (I did have problems to start because they've rejigged it from the older spirit, so the 'stop' now comes before the bolus's not before!)
The handset is straight forward with few exceptions some setting/functions are quite where you expect to find them.. But it's a case of just getting used to them..
Tip when it comes to priming a cannular and the bolus wizard
If you tell the handset that you are eating carbs the amount that requires the same as the priming dose of the canular! (don't actually eat the carbs though) this prevents the bolus wizard getting confused and calculating the cannular prime into it's next calculation..
Most tips about starting up, is really in consistant with all pumps
Such as take on thing at a time, don't change too much at one go, tackling night basal rates first is probably the easiest.. Sort out the basals before fine tuning insulin/carb ratio's...
A tip for basal setting..
Copy the basal profile they load onto your pump to a second profile.. Work with this one to make your changes and when you get a change that works transfer it to the first profile.. This enables you to make a change but know that if it doesn't work you can return it to the settings that did!
Don't expect too much straight away it's hard work to start but does get easier, once you've got your basal setting set up, they will still need regular reviews with fasting tests as they your needs can change over time and even with the changes in the seasons!
I would also suggest investing in Pumping Insulin by John Walsh (the pumpers bible) as this gives all the information about using and utilizing your pump (the author himself not only an endo, but an insulin pump user)
Good luck I suspect that you won't look back, and we'll all here to answer questions, give other hints and tips etc...