Accu chek combo users help please !

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Oh dear i have misplaced my blood meter , i hoping i have left it at work although after a quick call maybe not ! If i ring Roche tomorrow and explain do you think they will charge me to replace it ? Any advice welcome thanks Jenny
Sorry to say they are very likely to charge you for a replacement meter and they are far from cheap...

My combo is a replacement pump for my old spirit pump, as it was still under warranty they would only give me the actual pump and expected me to pay ?120 if I wanted the meter😱

I'm not sure who actually footed in the bill for the meter in the end but it wasn't me I argued my point very well but it took a couple of weeks of going between my diabetic team and the rouche rep!

Sorry I couldn't give you better news..
Here's hoping it's either found or you have the pump insured so can claim off of your ins.
Sorry to say they are very likely to charge you for a replacement meter and they are far from cheap...

My combo is a replacement pump for my old spirit pump, as it was still under warranty they would only give me the actual pump and expected me to pay ?120 if I wanted the meter😱

I'm not sure who actually footed in the bill for the meter in the end but it wasn't me I argued my point very well but it took a couple of weeks of going between my diabetic team and the rouche rep!

Sorry I couldn't give you better news..

Oh dear thats not good news especially at this time of year , fingers crossed its at work somewhere , its no unusual for me to misplace my meter , just have a lot on my mind at mo :(
Maybe i should have put this in pumping section
There you go Jenny, I've moved it over for you. Hope you find your meter soon.
Well , ive got onto Roche today and they were actually quite nice , i explained that i have lost my meter and they asked me if i have had it replaced before and i said No so they said they will replace it once free of charge but next time ( believe me there wont be a next time i will have to pay .Was really relieved about this as i had worked myself up into a little tissy that i would have to pay out on top of christmas and what with hubby being unable to work did nt know what i was going to do .I aslo explained that i was having trouble getting insurance and they have recommended one that was recommended to them so will do another post incase anyone else have trouble :D
What a relief...

Lets hope that you find your other one so you have a spare..
Phew glad you have a happy outcome Jenny.
Oh that's brill jenny - what a relief!

Mine cost me nowt, medical equipment in and outside the house was already included on last years policy via the bank. Think there will be a small Additional premium to pay with the new company but as it's ?100 a year cheaper overall we're still mega happy!
Oh that's brill jenny - what a relief!

Mine cost me nowt, medical equipment in and outside the house was already included on last years policy via the bank. Think there will be a small Additional premium to pay with the new company but as it's ?100 a year cheaper overall we're still mega happy!

I think weve both been lucky 😉
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