Accu Check going through airport security

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I went through security last night at JFK and they wanted me to go through the scanner. I explained that I was advised not to and opted for the pat down. The person kept on telling me that the info from the company was a it f date and the new machines would cause no problem. I still opted for the pat down, but am I being too cautious?
I would stick to my guns and do what you've been told to do by whoever provided your equipment, and point out to them that as your life depends on it you'd rather not take the risk, thank you. I had this problem at East Midlands, and was told that the gentleman in the scanner right now has got a heart pacemaker and he's fine. I said I've been told not to and got out my DSN letter. The chap didn't even bother to look at it, just fetched the supervisor who agreed to take the pump around the scanner and do her explosives swabs the other side.

However if it helps, I've been told by a techy person at Accu-Chek that it's only when equipment is switched on that scanners, x-Rays etc cause problems, so your pump is fine to put through anything like that if you take the battery out first, and that all your basal settings etc should stay in it for a while (he said several weeks, but I'm a bit suspicious of that myself!) without power.
I had this at Heathrow Terminal 5 once and insisted that I had a pat down. The frontline security guy got a bit aggressive so I asked for the supervisor and was taken off for a pat down in a private room (no rubber gloves thankfully). I always carry a printout from Medtronic's website now that states that you must not go through the X-ray body scanner but, as is the way of things, I've never had to show it since. I have flown many, many times since I've had the pump from airports the size of Los Angeles to an airstrip in the jungle of Costa Rica, and this was the single time that I met with anything other than courtesy and understanding.
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