Hi Jan...
Good to find a fellow accu check combo pal!
I wear my pump in my bra, on the side sort of under my arm....in bed i just put the pump in a phone sock and throw it in the bed and believe it or not it follows me around! I was worried about this to start with too, but trust me you soon get used to wearing it 🙂 Also make sure you lock the keys on the pump, it can't come to any harm then!
I found it all quite emotional in my first week as is a pretty big change, but its all positive, just have to adapt. If you can take a few days off work to devote time to the switch over, I wish I'd done that looking back, plus I got mine the week before xmas so was a bit stressful!
A pump is hard work (which I'm sure you will know) but sooooo worth it, in my mere 6 weeks of pumping my levels have significantly stabilised and I feel sooo much better in myself. I would say it took me about 10 days to adapt to the pump and get used to everything.
Trying to think what other first week advice I have...if you have any trouble with air bubbles in the pump there is a great technique called 'degassing' which has helped me loads, there's a video of how to do it on you tube, I can find the link if you need it. Some ppl get air bubbles and some don't so hopefully you wont 🙂
Prob sounds crazy but I have named my pump poppy hehe, have you thought of a name?
I love Poppy and could talk about pumps all day, do you have any particular questions or concerns?
Starting a pump is daunting, but I cant rem life without it now and would NEVER give it back and thats only 6 weeks in 🙂