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You OK? I’m guessing not at the moment, is there anything in particular that’s brought this post about?

I ain’t no expert and have no experience of T1 but I’ve got ears…
Welcome to the forum

Are you struggling with anything in particular?
If I can't accept type I after 43 years of living with it, the hatred is so ingrained I can only see one way this is going. Bad

Hate or acceptance aren’t your two choices. You can hate it with a passion and never accept it - that’s how I feel. But do deal with it. Remember you got your best HbA1c recently so you’re doing something right.

Working to control your blood sugar as best you can isn’t acceptance or ‘love’ for the diabetes. It’s keeping the stupid thing in its cage.

Remember too that we’re closer to a cure than we’ve ever been before. There have been so many advancements in stem cells. We’re on the home straight. Just keep going a bit longer.
No one here can give you any trite simple answers - those wouldn’t work anyway.

Diabetes is awful. Annoying. Debilitating. Relentless. Depressing. Limiting.


It is also manageable. Doable. Squashable. Limitable. And if not completely ‘beatable’, then certainly something that can (one small step at a time) be kept in its place and made to fit into your life, rather than the other way around.

Of course some times it will feel overwhelming, and the end of everything. But there are chinks of light and occasional diabetes victories that can help you realise you are winning, and not beaten.

Keep going.
Well I have always chosen to try and make D live with me how I want and therefore let me get on with things I either like or need to do which does mean I have to agree to live by it's rules - but once I got decentish at doing that - I was then able to cheat occasionally cos I knew I had the expertise and equipment to prevent myself being harmed irrevocably. Nobody except all us lot, know what hard work it is - which is one of the reasons I think I've found forums so helpful - cos there's always someone having a different problem to you today - and you might know how they can get round that one even if you don't know how to get around yours - so you can help them - even if you can't help yourself - and that's usually cheered me up a bit and made me realise that I'm not on my own dealing with the blasted thing - and utter a deep sigh and attempt to take some logical action.
You only get one life so live it, no point in dwelling on fact you have diabetes as millions of others are in same position & ljve full & rewarding lives..

Might sound blunt but that is reality of situation, learn to accept it or you can let it drag you down, there's no middle ground my friend.
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