About to use medtronic with closed loop

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all......well I've just been given funding to use the cgm on my new medronic pump.........I'm sure I will have loads of questions when I start but my main query is the display of cgm on the pump as a reciever. When is shows the number on the front from the cgm does it also show whether that is dropping or going high Or do.I have to have the phone app aswell to show this? I used to have the animas pump as dexcom receiver some years back and that did show the arrows on the pump.........I'm so used to seeing the arrows which reduces my anxeity!.....don't really.want to have to have the mobile.app just for this
Hi @Dralina, the pump will show you the SG value, as well as arrows showing if there is a rise/decline and how steep this is. I did download the app so that I can share my data with my clinic, but day to day I just use the pump to check on things.
Don’t worry about asking questions, that is what the forum is here for.
As with any switch of pump it takes a bit of getting used to , but I hope that you find the looping as effective as I do. Keep the questions coming.
Awww thanks. Yeah to be honest I was a bit shocked I got funding......then I had the panic of do I want the closed loop thing?!?! Slightly scarey but I definitely need my sugars better! I feel this will be the only way......I do get worried that the cgm will be completely incorrect and the pump corrects based on a completely wrong reading! After using dexcom and the libre and seeing that they can have dodgy sensors every now and then it does concern me.......do you still check by finger picking just to make sure? Every now and then?
I’m not sure about Medtronic’s closed loop, but i find it helpful to check with fingerstick every so often - and sometimes I’m glad i did!
The pump tells you when you need to do a finger-prick test for "calibration". I am still using the Guardian 3 sensor where this is required about twice a day. I gather the Guardian 4 only needs calibration when you start to use the sensor.
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