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About to start Victoza


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I’m T2 my last HBA1c was 80, im on 2000mg of metformin a day and insulin, my DNS was going to start me on Rybelsus but this is now in short supply so she’s decided to start me on Victoza, I do feel a little bit like she’s prescribed it because its the only option and not because it’s the best option for me. Anyway I just wanted advice on what to expect and any tips I should consider? I’ve been accepted for bariatric surgery but have to get my blood sugars down first, if I could avoid surgery all together this would be my preference, I currently weigh approx 110kg or 17st 6lbs, thanks
Hi , I am almost same weight as you. I want to restart my journey. I am not on medication but know my readings are high again so might have to restart. Would you be interested in trying to support one another in a new diet and weight loss. It could be on your terms. I live in Cambridgeshire UK . So it would be online but I would love the support. Sorry I cannot say anything about Victoza as do not recall having it.
Hi @Searsy

This is the information on Victoza from the Diabetes UK site

It is one of the drug family called GLP 1's that work in a similar way.

These are some of the previous posts about Victoza that will hopefully be useful
oh i had tge Saxenda one which i bought mysflf but was expensive and it did not seem to lower my BG.
oh i had tge Saxenda one which i bought mysflf but was expensive and it did not seem to lower my BG.
Even with those medications they only work if accompanied by dietary changes and increased exercise so unless you engage with that then you are wasting your money.
Even with those medications they only work if accompanied by dietary changes and increased exercise so unless you engage with that then you are wasting your money.
At that time o was Nordic walling and i was on low carb diet . So that did not tally with me . i replied as the lady said Victoxia and i dId i knew nothing about thaf. She is prescribed so its between her and her prescriber. i did not realise they were the sMe until Flower sId the GLP. So really i was just clarifying that.
At that time o was Nordic walling and i was on low carb diet . So that did not tally with me . i replied as the lady said Victoxia and i dId i knew nothing about thaf. She is prescribed so its between her and her prescriber. i did not realise they were the sMe until Flower sId the GLP. So really i was just clarifying that.
Perhaps not all it is cracked up to be then if it did not work for you if you were following the recommendations.
I suppose is is like many meds some work for some people and some don't.
Perhaps not all it is cracked up to be then if it did not work for you if you were following the recommendations.
I suppose is is like many meds some work for some people and some don't.
It maybe that it needs to work with other medication. It maybe if Id taken it long term and it may work for weight loss but I wanted my blood sugars down. Now within three months my BG had gone up id only taken it a month of that three months. In research they have said after you come off it the weight and results go back on. At that time i was looking more to drop my HBA1C.
Two years on I need to address weight and I think BG but that will show in bloods i get tomorrow. My Bm readings ate high so i think that will be too.
To be honest for me it will not make much difference as I feel worse on meds than Ii do with high blood sugar.
if we were not such a fat conscious country taking all these tests maybe life would be different. However i know that is not the thinking of all.