abnormal blood sugar??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My other half has a blood sugar reading of 7.2 and he is not any kind of diabetic.... I am lol mine aint even that high.
Is this normal? he has had them this high before on 8 even.... please advise
cheers 🙂
I randomly tested my friend once and she was 9.2. Non-Diabetics can go quite high.

Had he just eaten something carby?
i test my hubby and his blood reading can be 7s and 8s he has a test done at the docs every year and so far so good [family history} if you are worried and there are showing signs and syptoms book in to see gp or some chemsits do a test for free hope this helps
It would also depend on when you tested - if some time after a meal, then quite possibly above 7. Better to try a waking/fasting test.
I have enough to worry about with my own diabetes without testing him and finding he had a high reading and then adding that to my worries lol so i tested him once 8 month back and he was 4.5 no worries there .:D
7.2 is borderline hyperglycemic if you are fasting but perfectly normal if you have eaten any time recently. And finger prick meters have a significant margin of error anyway.

If you think there is a problem he should see his doctor and have a proper fasting BG test and HBa1c test which would give a definitive answer.
Knowing we are all different, and have different normal readings, I wouldn't worry too much unless there are other symptoms.

If you are worried, a trip to the chemist for their free tests or a trip to the docotrs will be reassuring.
I wasnt really worried but he was saying it was normal and I being a woman like to dissagree lol he hadnt just eaten tho and drinks diet juice (coz i do lol) but only reason we tested was coz he felt sweaty and a bit weird and thirsty lol last time he felt like that it was on 8 point odds so god knows maybe just happens to "normal people" without them realising... he is normal weight etc so probs nowt to worry bout, as I say im a woman so like to be right haha 😱
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