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Abbreviations & Acronyms

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Diabetes UK

Know Diabetes. Fight Diabetes
Staff member
A guide to some of the diabetes abbreviations and acronyms that you may find being used throughout this forum, as gathered and collected by members. :)

Diabetes Acronyms

A1c - Shortened version of HbA1c. An average blood glucose level from approximately the last three months. Different measurement to fingerprick blood sugar levels and different sets of numbers. Used to see long term overall picture of blood sugar levels and used by medical team to make decisions about medications etc.
ADA - American Diabetic Association

Basal - 'Background', long acting insulin (eg Lantus or Levemir)
BDA - British Dietetic Association
BERTIE - Bournemouth Intensive Type 1 Education (see DAFNE)
BG, BGM, BGL - Blood glucose measurements/levels
Bolus - Rapid acting insulin for meals/snacks
BS - Blood Sugar

CCG – Clinical Commissioning Group – localised areas where NHS funding is split and decisions are made in regards to clinical care
CGM/CGMS - Continuous Glucose Monitor(ing System)
CHO - Carbs/Carbohydrate
CHD - Coronary Heart Disease
CHOL - Cholesterol
CP - Carbohydrate 'portion' typically a portion of food that has 10g CHO
CVD - Cardio vascular disease
CWD - Children with Diabetes:

D - sometimes used for Diabetes
DAFNE - Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating – A diabetes education course available for those managing Type 1 diabetes.
DESMOND - Diabetes Education Self-Management Of Newly Diagnosed – Diabetes education course for managing type 2 diabetes
D/E - Diet and Exercise - a way to manage type 2 diabetes and important for people with Type 1 diabetes too
DIA - Duration of Insulin Action – the time frame for how long different insulins will take to act in the body.
DKA - Diabetic Keto Acidosis – a complication of type 1 diabetes, following very high BG levels, where the body produces high levels of blood acids called ketones.
DM - Diabetes Mellitus - The full name of the condition diabetes
DP - Dawn Phenomenon – term for a phenomenon where an increase in BG levels occurs due to the body releasing hormones during the early morning.
DSN - Diabetes Specialist Nurse
DUK - Diabetes UK
Dx - Diagnosed

FBG - Fasting blood glucose
FHTF - 'Feet Hit The Floor'. Like Dawn Phenomenon, but only begins when you get out of bed

GI - Glycaemic index how quickly or slowly a CHO food is digested and glucose released into the blood stream 'low GI' food is absorbed more slowly, high GI more quickly
GL - Glycaemic load a measure of the total amount of carbohydrate in a meal combined with the GI

HbA1c – Blood test used to diagnose and monitor diabetes. An average blood sugar level from approximately the last three months. Different measurement to fingerprick blood sugar levels and different sets of numbers. Used to see long term overall picture of blood sugar levels and used by medical team to make decisions about medications etc.
HCP - Health Care Professional/s
HDL - High Density Lipid/Lipoprotein (“good" cholesterol)
HHS/HONK - Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State (used to be called Hyperosmolar non ketotic acidosis) - a dangerous condition often resulting from illness and dehydration with very high blood glucose levels.HHScan affect both types ofdiabetics, yet it usually occurs amongst people with type 2diabetes.

IDDM - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – Describing an individual who manages diabetes with insulin alone – some people also use this to refer to people with Type 1 diabetes, however many people with Type 2 diabetes use insulin too.
IOB - Insulin On Board
IR - Insulin Resistance

JDRF - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

LA - Long acting (insulin)
LADA - Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood – a type of diabetes
LDL - Low Density Lipid/lipoprotein ("bad " cholesterol)

MDI - Multiple Daily Injections
MODY - Maturity onset diabetes of the young – a type of diabetes

mmol/l - Millimoles per litre: This unit of measurement is used (in the UK) to measure current blood glucose levels in the blood, from a finger prick test, flash monitor or CGM device. Not to be confused with mmol/mol.
mmol/molMillimoles per mol/mole: A standard scientific unit of measurement used for the HbA1c test. A test of the average blood glucose level over a period of 2-3 months. Not to be confused with mmol/l.

NDHM – Non-Dependant on Hypoglycaemic inducing Medication
NICE - National Institute for Clinical Excellence
NIDDM - Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – also an old term for Type 2 diabetes
NR - NovoRapid
Novo – short for Novo Nordisk – company that makes insulin

PIL - Patient Information Leaflet
PM - Personal Message from one forum member to another
PWD - Person (people) with diabetes
PLWD – Person/people Living with Diabetes

QA or RA - Quick-acting or Rapid-acting: your fast-acting insulin

SA - Short acting (insulin)

SIGN - Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (Caledonian version of NICE)
SMBG - Self monitoring of Blood Glucose - using a blood glucose meter

TC - Total Cholesterol
TDD - Total Daily Dose
Trig/Trigs - Triglyceride
T1 / T2 - Type 1 Diabetes / Type 2 Diabetes (also T1D, T2D)

VLDL - Very Low Density Lipid/liproprotein (a type of ‘bad’ cholesterol)

Social Acronyms

A-Z(!) - occasionally used for names (esp of children)
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFAIR - As far as I recall
BTDT - Been there, done that
BTDTGTTS - Been there, done that, got the t-shirt'
FWIW - For what it's worth
IIRC - If I remember correctly
IMO or IMHO - In my (humble) opinion
ISTR - I seem to remember
IYSWIM - If you see what I mean
LMAO - laughing really quite a lot (Laugh My Arse Off)
LOL - laugh out loud
OH - Other half/partner
OMG - Oh my goodness (or similar)
OP - Original Poster
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
FIL - Father-In-Law
MIL - Mother-In-Law
BIL - Brother-In-Law
SIL - Sister-In-Law
YDMV - Your Diabetes May Vary (variant of YMMV - your mileage may vary)

Anymore? Please feel free to add to the list!
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Small point but in JDRF it's Foundation not Fund. Although now it's not even an initialism and it's just JDRF with the tagline 'Improving Lives. Curing Type 1 Diabetes'.
Thank you all for your suggestions, we will update this list shortly.

I will be closing this section for further replies, so that we can keep this as an information resource. If anyone has any further suggestions for acronyms/\abbreviations - please contact the moderators here and we can continue to update this page.

Thank you again :)
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