Abbott customer service is appalling

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All, after using the Libre 2 since September, to date have now had 2 failed sensors.
The latest failure was 16th Dec with the sensor applied as usual, but noticed a lot of blood pouring from the centre of the sensor straight away, left it over night, only to wake up with a very sore arm, so contacted support.

So after explaining what happened with support, he sent out a replacement sensor, so that's both my 2 replacements used up, still got 8 months left of funding lol

I explained to the customer support guy that 10th Dec I had to uninstall, then reinstall the libre link app due to it not syncing with libreview, somehow all data previous had been deleted. Nothing at all show prior to 10th Dec, the guy went through phone type, software, firmware and had no clue as to what happened. He suggested using a reader and would send one in with the sensor.
He then gave up and said that here is a ref. number call back!

So after calling back answering all the same questions, it gets escalated.

Any way today the sensor arrived, but no reader, so had to call customer support again, these people make Sage Appliances customer services look great, believe me they are far from great. SO explaining everything once again, the reader is being sent out, so won't be getting that this year lol

So after around 3 months, I have just over a weeks worth of data to show the diabetes team, used all my "faulty" sensor allowance, and completely fed up of Abbott and Libre 2, God only knows what they are charging the NHS for their "great" product and customer service?


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I think their customer service seems to have deteriorated lately they used to be really good. I self fund and have done for a number of years, and had an issue were they were not going to replace, til, I said I threatened to not buy from them,
I totally agree. I've tried asking them a number of times about Libre V3, they just reply with boilerplates and claim to know nothing. We tried a Dexcom G7 this week and the difference in customer service is similar to the distance between here and the moon. Absolute polar opposites.
I totally agree. I've tried asking them a number of times about Libre V3, they just reply with boilerplates and claim to know nothing. We tried a Dexcom G7 this week and the difference in customer service is similar to the distance between here and the moon. Absolute polar opposites.
There are no restrictions from Dexcom either regarding replacements.
Hi all
Thanks for the replies.
Spoke to my diabetes team yesterday and said I wasn't alone in having data lost, and that I could take a break away from the libre, if needed, and possibly move to the Dexcom at a later date.
What version of the Dexcom is the standard issue?

Yes, it is super convenient and pain free, just amazed at the lack of support from Abbott.
You get the impression, you are a guinea pig tester for them, when I mentioned about the data loss, the first thing they ask is " did you need medical attention?" lol

Funny how the survey for support and product feedback after the phone call behaved, the first phone call please rate between 0-9...... etc, me being very unimpressed with their lack of response, hit 0, only to hear the message "sorry something went wrong, try again", press 0 again and it registered, it did this for all 5/6 questions everytime, probably in the hope you get frustrated and hit anything other than a zero. Strange that hte second phone call I never got asked, and the third phone call was all 0's with no errors.

I appreciate the support from Abbott is less than ideal but please bear a thought for their customer support representatives that we speak to. They may reply with "boilerplate" but that is all the information they have.
I actually had a very nice female representative on the phone today. She did make me jump through hoops, yet again, but she did acknowledge that their latest software version of the app is faulty and apparently they are working on it. Poor kids, it's not their fault... they just have to listen to complaints all day long.
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