Aargh libre failed on holiday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Currently on holiday in Portugal, applied new sensor on Monday , all was working fine until just after lunch today when I got the dreaded sensor ended apply new sensor message. Flying home on Saturday so it will be good old fingerprick testing until then. Have reported it to Abbott via the online form so hopefully replacement will be sent out. I have a spare at home so not too worried.
Thats annoying!
Unfortunately, tech can fail which is why we are always advised to take backup with me.
I always take my finger prick meter when going away overnight. And take a spare CGM if more than a few days.
If you add that to my back up pump and insulin pens in case that fails, my diabetes stuff is pretty extensive for a trip away.
Unfortunately, tech can fail which is why we are always advised to take backup with me.
I always take my finger prick meter when going away overnight. And take a spare CGM if more than a few days.
If you add that to my back up pump and insulin pens in case that fails, my diabetes stuff is pretty extensive for a trip away.
I have my fingerprick meter etc with me so I will be going old school until the weekend.
Ugh! How annoyng for you @Martin62 :(

Especially when on holiday and out of routine, as I always find sensors particularly useful then!

I always take a spare with me, in case of failure or ‘door frame’ disaster.
How frustrating. I think the sensors sometimes know when it is going to be most inconveniently.
When packing for holidays I always take at least double what I need, which then so often come back unused but good to have them with me just in case.

Enjoy evening up your tan.
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