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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This is just a rant to people who will understand what I am moaning about.
It is midnight. I am now up to 21.4. My levels have been all over the place all day. I have changed everything on my pump. I know that if I don't get things on track before my op on Tuesday they might cancel. So I am in a vicious circle. Mere stressed, higher levels, more resistance to insulin, higher levels, more stressed, ....

Now the calmer approach (I do know what I am supposed to be doing about it, but needed a moan) . I am already running at a TBR of 140% and increasing bolus by 50%. Checked for ketones. So I have just delivered another correction ( by pen to buy some time) taken TBR up to 150%. So I will go and make a cuppa, and wait an hour before checking again whether I am dropping, before sleeping just in case things go more wrong. o_O
🙂 7.9. Yippee. Still no idea why all wobbly, sort that tomorrow. Sleep time
Hope you managed to get some sleep and have woken to good levels 🙂 Hope you can keep good levels now so the op can go ahead as planned! 🙂
Thanks Northener.
Woke with a minor hypo.
A new day, new TBR.
Annoying when that happens isn't it, I've done exactly the same with my daughter - battled for 2 days to get BGs down, eventually in desperation put a massive TBR on which then sent her low - oh the guilt!!

Hope you can get it more stable today!
Fingers crossed that today is a more stable day.
Do you get these reasonably often @SB2015? Like every month or so? And then when you've replaced the cannula everything goes back to 'normal' for a few weeks, then BLAM! Another lot of nonsense out of the blue?

Just wondering if you have tried many different cannula options for your pump? I had all sorts of bother off and on in my first couple of years when using 90-degree cannulas, but in amongst all sorts of reasonable levels, and other 'chaos' that was clearly not cannula-related. In the end someone suggested I tried out some alsternatives and so I tried all of the lengths/types that fit my pump - a few of each. After a few weeks I settled on angled ones and have had no 20's since. That was around 4 years ago.

May not be anything to do with it in your case, but thought I'd flag it up just in case. 🙂
Thank you for messages.

Things had been going fairly steadily until problems with spine, so I think that it is likely that my body is just adjusting, and instead of spending time trying to work out why (which I tend to do for longer than I should) I should just accept that my needs are different and use TBR until things settle back. I had forgotten yesterday to increase the bolus as well as the basal.

My husband sensibly reminds me to go with the flow and thinks that it is all the stress of the op at present that is causing the problem. Running at 140% again today on bolus and basal, and so far stayed below 10, so a lot better.

I had not thought about the type of cannula having an impact. I shall perhaps wait until the op is done and dusted and I have settled down again afterwards (which may take a while) and then look at investigating the other cannulas.

Thanks again to all of you.
I used to get this almost every time I changed my set and eventually changed my 'fill cannula' to 0.7, effectively giving myself a 0.4u bolus each time - it's sorted out the high levels but DSN is not too happy...
Thanks Lauren
I changed to shorter needles and was surprised that there was no change in the priming for a cannula.
Something else to think about in the near future.
Well most of the prime amount is to get it through the plastic connector bit on the outside of the cannula - not through the actual bit that disappears into your body - so a 6mm cannula instead of an 8mm one for instance, is about the same as a gnat's whisker difference!
When I changed from 90-degree to angled I did have to change the prime amount as the bit inside you is longer, and oddly enough TW I have always been told by my DSN that it *is* the bit under your skin that you are filling. Weird how what we are told is so different! (Possibly because you are on Roche and I'm Medtronic? I can't think of the connector bit you mean!)

I have to say I don't use the recommended amount though. I overprime by about .2u and this seems to give me a better result post change with no slight rise as the new cannula beds in. We've all got to find what works for us I guess!
Now that things have settled back a bit ( still on TBR of 140% and delighted when I get a mild hypo to indicate to drop a bit more) and I am rereading the ideas above. Mike, when you use angled cannulas does it 'use up' sites more quickly and require bigger gaps between them?
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