A yoghurt a day keeps diabetes away, say scientists

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
According to a new survey, eating one table spoon of yoghurt can dramatically cut your chances of getting the disease.

A daily tablespoon of yoghurt reduces the risk of getting type 2 diabetes by nearly a fifth.

Scientists quizzed 194,519 people whose medical histories, dairy intake and lifestyles had already been studied by other experts.

They found 15,156 had the disease and the amount of dairy foods in general people ate did not cut the risk of developing it. But when they looked at eating specific products – such as milk and cheese – they spotted the link between yoghurt and a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes.


They do make quite a leap with these things, don't they? 🙄
This also runs contrary to an experience someone on our forum had a few years ago...

Someone on the diabetes support forum wrote of her encounter with a lady in the street with a clipboard asking passers-by to sample yoghurt. However, on learning that she was diabetic, the lady responded that she wasn’t allowed to let her try it! Bizarre, but I think if we take a peek inside the Market Research Seminar that Clipboard-Lady attended, we will discover the reason why…

Welcome everybody, to our M.R. seminar,
We hope you’ll learn essential stuff to make your work go far!
Your work has hidden dangers, though you may not be aware,
So please proceed with caution, and always take good care.

The main thing you should learn here – and this may save your life! –
Is don’t approach a bloodied man who’s carrying a knife!
But nearly as important, and this may cause surprise,
Never offer diabetics your yoghurt, buns or pies!

They may seem meek and gentle, and smile and say hello,
But offer them some yoghurt and very soon you’ll know
They change from being human, they growl and snarl and spit!
Something must slake their bloodlust – you’re standing near – you’re it!

Don’t think you can outrun them, you’ll find no place to hide,
For once they’ve tasted yoghurt they’ll hunt you far and wide!
Their eyes go wild and crazy, they thrash and scream and shout!
So keep your yoghurt hidden when diabetics are about!

😉 :D
Again it looks like one of them things chips are wrapped in :D paper things with word in 🙄
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