A year today I was diagnosed - life update!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

A year ago today I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I posted on here a few days after I was diagnosed as my emotions were all over the place. I was only 36 and despite feeling unwell, I think I was in denial how bad things were. I started to feel unwell January 2021 and by March decided to call my GP. I had been diagnosed as pre-diabetic 2.5 years before but due to covid my annual bloods had not been taken. It took me 4-5 attempts to get a telephone appointment with my GP but eventually I did and from there my GP arranged for bloods to be taken. The very next day I was diagnosed as diabetic.

Despite feeling overwhelming sadness and frustration at myself, that same evening I made changes I knew could help me manage my diabetes. I was due to have pizza for dinner and decided I wouldn’t have it. I must have cried for about 2 days as the reality hit me but I soon snapped out of it and realised I needed to accept my situation and concentrate on managing diabetes.

To get my HBA1C down I was given the option to take metformin or just try diet control alone. For me I decided I wanted to go on medication and at the same time change my lifestyle. I felt I wanted to give my body the best chance at getting my glucose levels down quickly so for me this felt right.

When I recognised I was feeling unwell early 2021, I decided I would try to lose weight to see if it would help my symptoms as weight had gradually been piling on the last 4 years or so. I joined the gym and started to eat a much lower carbohydrate diet. I’m now 70lbs lighter than I was 1 year ago but I also know I still have more I need to lose. My starting BMI was 50.1 and its now 38. My last two HBA1C readings have shown I am no longer in diabetic range. 8 weeks ago my GP stopped my diabetic medication and if my body naturally starts to cope better and numbers remain where they are then the plan is to keep me off medication. Fingers crossed I will soon be in remission.

It’s been an emotional day for me as it’s taken me back to how I felt this time last year and it’s hit home again I am diabetic. However, I also need to take a step back and realise how far I’ve come in 12 months.

I hope my story motivates some of you as you can lose the weight and get your HBA1C down. I never thought this time last year I would be 5 stone lighter but here I am. I feel so much healthier and happier in myself. My whole attitude to food and lifestyle has changed since diagnosis. I’ll never say I was happy for the diagnosis but diabetes has done me a favour in many ways - given me the kick I needed to sort myself out!
Thanks so much for posting your inspirational story and many, MANY congratulations on your fabulous success both with weight loss and HbA1c reduction. I take my hat off to you! That really is impressive!

Although I am Type 1 and therefore insulin dependent, I can relate to a lot of what you say, particularly the kick up the pants to make changes which I just wasn't motivated to do before that shock diagnosis and all the positives that come from making those changes. It is hard at first but once you get into a new way of eating and lifestyle routine it gradually becomes easier until it is just your new way of life.

Wishing you lots of success in achieving full remission and most importantly maintaining it.

Thanks Haggied for sharing. Very inspirational.
Fantastic weight loss, weight is key to reversing type 2 that I'm sure, so well done.
Well done with your weight loss and excellent HbA1c reduction, you've done a great job 🙂
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