a word of thanks and question about abscess

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Relationship to Diabetes
Just a few lines to say thank you for your support last weekend. i was beside myself with worry about my daughters elevated blood sugars and severe headaches. Thanks in particular to Randomange, i followed your advice and did/am still doing night time bloods. she is improved but will be seeing diabetic consultant tomorow.....
The advice i received really helped me to help my daughter, so thank you again.
Now, said daughter developed an abscess at the base of her spine top of bottom, this had to be surgically removed last october. The healing process involves packing the hole left behind after surgery - sorry to be graphic. anyway, the gap is nearly healed. Unfortunately, there are signs that the abscess is coming back...anyone had one of these? did your healing take as long? Of course i know diabetic healing is slower but this takes the biscuit!!!
Alex had exactly the same 1 year before he was diagnosed! His was surgically removed and we were told to expect weeks of packing etc - but after just 2 days he was healed! The docs couldnt believe it. But remember he wasnt diabetic then - or at least not diagnosed. High sugars do slow down healing - so you need to get tight control for good healing. Also give her vitamin E as this promotes wound healing. If she does have another absess - she will need antibiotics and or another op. This could explain all the high numbers for last week as infection does cause high levels!😱🙂Bev
Hi Pooky, can't add to Bevs advice, but hope things sort themselves out and your daughter gets better.
Hi pookey yes thats how i was diagnosed , i had to have 2 large ones operated on last november under my armpit the pain was unbearlable for me but they where taken out, what happened with me was they got well looked after afterwards and healed ok but more started to come under my other armpit and doc said right get a glucose test done i susupect diabetes and it was , lucily a course of anti-biotics meant more did not come bac, but the ones that where operated on did take alot of looking after abd did take quite a while to heal.
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