A Weekend Of Sport


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
There's a huge amount going on this weekend!

First it is the British GP. With three Brits at the front of the grid it could be Union Jacks and the National Anthem at the end. Or it could end it tears with Max and Pastrami picking up the pieces!

This event is England vs Switzerland. Will Switzerland find England's defence like Gruyère or Cheddar. Or will one team Brie a soft touch?

In the background are Wimbledon and the Tour de France. Murray is now out of his final Wimbledon but I cannot help feeling he hung on too long. The Tour gets hilly but not mountainous tomorrow. I read in one article that some riders get through 120gm of CHO per hour - that's a days worth for me!
So looking forward to F1 later.

England were dire again last night & should never have taken it to penalties, mind those pens were faultless & good save by Pickford with Switzerlands first.

Cruel way to decide a game, as happy as we are you can't help but feel for losing side as we've been there ourselves many times before.

Semi's here we come.
Great win for Lewis, long overdue after 2 year 7 month absence.

Looking forward to semi's tonight & tomorrow night then final on Sunday, hoping England will be part of that final.
Enjoyed the Wheelchair Men's Singles and Tour se France (in the Pyrenees) this afternoon.

Leaving my Spanish Chicken ready meal until tomorrow so I cannot be blamed for anything!