A wee break

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I'm having a weekend off and going to visit my old aunty in Lincolnshire before I move back up North, and to do a bit of partying with an old school chum to celebrate my birthday. Low fat, low carb. non-alcoholic partying of course*. BRW, if you think diabetes is bad look up Sjogren's Disease, which is what she has. I'm off tomorrow and back Monday.

*Aye right. I might manage the low fat bit.
Thanks. Issy and I always have a blast, we've been friends for longer than I care to say, myself being only 21...

have a great time alison and have a happy birthday x
Hi Alison Please say hi to your auntie and hope you all have a good time. I agree with you - diabetes might not be a barrel of laughs, but Sjogren's Disease is a whole lot worse.
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