A target is just a target (It's the trend that counts).

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All
I just wanted to reflect (and share) on an experience I had just prior to Christmas. I was an emergency admission to York hospital and whilst there for 3 days noticed that is standard practice for the Nurses to check everyone’s BG when they do the Ward Observations. I have not seen this before, but it gave me an opportunity to chat around the subject with the Nurses as they did the BG’s. As a Type 2 (Type 3C really but my surgery DB Nurse won’t have any of that) I have been given a target of 5-8 for my finger pricks. (I’m on Gliclazide Max dose and Metformin). I used to stress out if I got to 8.5 or 9 etc but after talking to the Nurses the only time they raised their eyebrows was when I hit 13. The consensus from them was that 5-8 is only a target and not an absolute so not to beat myself up about it if I am a little over as it’s not an exact science as so many things can make a difference to the reading, however, keep an eye on the trend as it’s your friend. I must say that I am much more relaxed about taking my finger pricks (3 per day) and getting the results.

Just wanted to share and wish us all a Happy & Peaceful New Year.
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Well if I have a cardio event - or anything else requiring admission - I hope to hell I don't land up in that hospital.
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