A research study looking at how we measure treatment burden

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Lisa Duncan

Relationship to Diabetes
Good morning,

My name is Lisa Duncan, and I am a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen. I am conducting a series of research studies that are exploring how we measure and quantify treatment burden in cancer. The management of long-term health conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and cancer can involve work for patients and their families. For example, organising and attending doctors’ appointments, ordering prescriptions, taking medicines, and making changes to diet or lifestyle. Some people can become burdened by the management of their health (we call this treatment burden). We can assess treatment burden using questionnaires or surveys but is not clear which questionnaires are best for this. This information is needed so that better support can be given to individuals experiencing burden. This study aims to understand more about measuring treatment burden.

I am currently inviting people who are living with at least one long-term conditions and their caregivers (anyone who provides help or support, for example, loved ones, family, and friends) to take part in this study. The study will involve an online questionnaire. You will be shown four definitions of important factors in health (treatment burden, quality of life etc.) and will then be given a series of questions. You will be asked to say whether you think each question assesses each of the four factors, and how sure you are of your answer. This may sound a bit complicated, but you will be given an example to help you. There are no right or wrong answers, we are just interested in your opinion. The questionnaire should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete (note – the questionnaire does not have to be completed in one sitting. If you close the questionnaire and re-open it using the same device and browser, your previous progress should be saved). The study has received ethical approval from the University of Aberdeen School of Medicine, Medical Sciences, and Nutrition Ethics Committee (SERB/2022/11/2442).

If you are interested in participating, further information and the questionnaire can be accessed here https://iahs.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cXPnEFAkRvmXapU.

We are also conducting a small interview study. This study will involve an online interview, conducted using Microsoft Teams. In the interview, you will be presented with the questionnaire described above and will be asked to ‘think-aloud’ as you complete the questions. This is to investigate more information about the judgements people make during the questionnaire. You do not have to participate in both the online questionnaire and interview study, only the one you prefer. If you are interested in taking part in the interview (instead of the online questionnaire), please email Lisa Duncan at lisa.duncan1@abdn.ac.uk who will provide more information about the study and you can decide whether you wish to take part.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at lisa.duncan1@abdn.ac.uk.

Best wishes,

This has been approved by @Anna DUK.
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This sounded interesting but its requiring more thought and concentration than my burden leaves available to me.
This sounded interesting but its requiring more thought and concentration than my burden leaves available to me.
Thanks for letting me know and I completely understand. I am aware the questionnaire is long and can be difficult. If you have any questions/would like to talk through at another time, I'm very happy to do so.
I might be interested in the questionnaire, you can see my situation in 'about me'.
In addition to that lot, ever since I caught covid in march 2020 I have felt unwell for approx 9/12 months of a year and have serious problems with lack of energy. Would I qualify on the basis of that and the ckd?
I might be interested in the questionnaire, you can see my situation in 'about me'.
In addition to that lot, ever since I caught covid in march 2020 I have felt unwell for approx 9/12 months of a year and have serious problems with lack of energy. Would I qualify on the basis of that and the ckd?
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your reply and interest. Yes, you would definitely qualify to take part. If you'd like to complete the questionnaire (rather than the interview), it will ask you a couple short screening questions at the start, one of which will ask you to list any relevant long-term conditions. If you have any more questions at all, don't hesitate to let me know.
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