A Rant

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Apologies in advance!

As you guys know, I suffered a very early miscarriage about 3 weeks ago. Emotionally I think I'm okay - just trying to focus on other things & not wallow. But the symptoms have still not left me. Tired, mild cramps, sore boobs, and my BG is much lower than normal. I'm now on 70% TBR from 7am 'til 1pm, and 50% TBR from 1pm 'til 10pm.

There seems to be no end to my BG problems right now. Yesterday was the first day I'd tried 50% TBR all afternoon & evening, and BG was 13.1 at 10pm. However, this was post-set change so it may have been due to this. So I corrected, and 1 hour later was 6.5! Far too quick a drop. 2 jelly babies and bed, with alarm set for 2am. At 2am, BG was 3.8. Treated with Lucozade & a custard cream. BG on rising this morning 14.6! I suspect liver games here. So I felt royally poo this morning, & have been in a bad mood all day.

On top of all of this, work has erupted into insanity. One of my colleagues has been off for 2 weeks because her dad is dying. I feel awful for her - we're quite close - & wish there was something I could do. But it does mean that my life from 9am - 5pm is a nightmare (obviously I'd rather be at work running around like a headless chicken than at my dad's bedside, but it doesn't change the fact that work is difficult at the moment). I'm the junior secretary, and the absent colleague is more senior. However, her workload falls on me for a number of reasons - the office manager is part-time, and the other members of staff are fairly new. It's just crazy. The academics expect everything to be just the same as normal, but being one full-time member of staff down when there are only 3 full-time makes a huge difference.

What bugs me most about work is that the exact same thing happened last year, but with the absence of a different colleague. I took the whole lot on & everything went pretty smoothly considering the situation. That colleague then left, & I applied for her job - but didn't get it, I suspect for political reasons. I'm now seething mad that I'm expected to do all this work again, when I know I won't get any thanks for it 😡

So I'm just stressed stressed stressed at the moment. I really think I needed a bit more breathing space to deal with the loss and am slightly worried that it will hit me all at once when my colleague returns & my workload goes back to normal.

Anyway. Roll on hometime tomorrow!
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I hope you are feeling better for the rant - I always do.....

Anyway you really must take care of yourself. Work sounds a real pain at the moment and, although you say you're over the miscarriage (well almost), it's amazing how long these things can stay in your system - no wonder your BS are all awry. I lost 3 pregnancies, all at 12 weeks, but then went on to have a healthy daughter and that was in the olden days (1970s) when the medics were less clued up on miscarriages than they are now - so don't despair.

As sorry as you must feel for your colleague with her Dad's illness, you will need to slow down a bit though - are you able to take it easy over the weekend ? Is there anyone you can talk to at work who could lift the workload for you a little ?

Can't do more than send you gugs so here they come.....((()))

All the very best,
3 weeks isn't long BPD and you need time for your body to adjust and probably your emotions too. I had 3 miscarriages too and they do mess you up a bit for a while. Don't apologise for wanting a rant and where better place to do it! Is it possible for you to have a couple of days leave soon perhaps tagged onto a weekend and then spend the time pampering yourself? Hope the insane conditions at work improve soon.
Hi hun,

So sorry to hear that you had an early miscarriage, 3 wks isn't long to 'recover' it's never easy to get over a miscarriage no matter what stage in pregnancy you are at, early or late, and with the difficult situation at work too not suprised your sugar levels are playing up.

Try to take each day as it comes and do your best to make some time for yourself, and your OH, you need each other! Take care, you are in my thoughts and prayers, lv Shirl x
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time on top of everything else. Can't offer anything other than some warm friendly brackets (((((()))))). Hope you feel better soon and your BGs give you a break.
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Thanks guys.

I work term-time only & am not allowed leave during term-time - so I'm just hanging on in there for another 3 weeks 'til I'm off for two and a half weeks at Christmas. Roll on!

With regards to shifting some of the workload to someone else - there isn't really anyone in the office able to take much extra on, but I'm pretty much insisting that the academics help me out a bit!

I think I'm dealing with it a bit better this year than I did last. I got very stressed out last year & took the stress home with me. This time I refuse to let myself think about work when I'm not here. I don't get paid enough.

I think I'm okay. Just really, really tired. I was in bed at 9.30pm last night. I'm hoping the time off at Christmas will do the trick. I plan to mostly sit on the couch watching Christmas-y films 🙂
Oh Emma :( I had no idea you'd gone through that (sorry I've not had a chance to come on much recently). I am sending out to you all the love, hugs and sympathy in the world. And don't feel like you don't have a right to 'recover' properly.

I would imagine (and this is just my guess here) that you are still having pregnancy-like symptoms due to your hormones still not having readjusted....this could take some time but you must, MUST give your body a chance to recover and readjust, as well as your mind.

re: your work (sorry, may be going over old ground here) but do they know what you've been through? the problem you may find is that the stress and distraction of work will mean your emotions re your miscarriage stay dormant until a time when you aren't worrying about something else. you really do need time to make sure you've dealt with it....or at least have the option to if you feel like you need it.

you sound to me like you are coping considerably well and I totally applaud you and take my hat off to you. xxxx
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