A Price To Pay?

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Hi..More than slightly miffed .Same dr. for 30+yrs.Had blackout app.2004.next app.2005.Both times having serious withdrawal symptoms from alcohol.Gave up drink Easter 2006.Have been having a strange rash on arms and legs and top of feet.Dr.diagnosed stress eczema.Last couple of years having fits of fatigue and really lethargic plus numerous occassions when I felt really dizzy and thought I was goint to pass out.
Okay reaching for 60y.o. though bits were beginning to fall off.!!Normally would eat a chocolate biscuit or many and within a few mins. would be fineFrequently would happen after not eating for long periods.
Went to dr. at New Year complaining of being exhausted.He took blood tests and came back that I was low in folic acid.The tablets didn't make much difference.I also suffer from C.O.P.D.(take heed all smokers)so I had to medically retire some time ago.I also have blood tests on rare occassions through that.Everybody still with me ?
Saturday 20-3-10 said to my wife "I don't feel too good" and went to the kitchen got a couple of biscuits ,took a bite and the next thing a para-medic was crouching beside me he checked my level and it was 3.2.Ended up in A&E for a few hours .Went to my Dr. 23-3-10 ,who told me he was revoking my licence for 12 months.This has caused me so much hardship as my wife can't drive .Went back to him Monday past with my levels every morning which are about 5.5.Didn't want to know .Needed a neurologists report .Friend left me home ,and I started to feel woozy .Grabbed the meter and lo.3.2.Coke fixed it .But looks as if Iam going to have to go private to try and get this resolved within a reasonable time .Was wondering if anybody else had the same sort of problems..Sorry mods for long email but I could write a bookabout the lack of support from my G.P.
can you request to see a different doctor, or change your GP? sorry to hear you are having such problems. there are plenty of people here who will be able to give better advice than i!
Thanks shiv.Unfortuntately an uncle and two nephews in practice.Practice in Health Centre,so very akward to shift.Just seems I have been plodding on for ages telling him,and now that this has happened he seems totally focused on neurological problems.It is doing my head in.Have also complained about problems with my sight ,mostly can see fine and moments later need my glasses.No time at all and eyesight is back.
Sounds like you're having an horrendous and frustrating time. Getting the most out of your GP is sometime bloody difficult, leaving you with 3 options; 1) change your GP (you mentioned difficulties there), 2) pay a private GP or 3) try to persuade your GP to work with you.

Sounds like you feel he's working against you at the moment, especially over the drivers license thing. However, if you have started blacking out with hardly any warning, I'm pretty sure he has a professional requirement to remove your driving license - it's not safe - and if you were suggesting paying a private GP in a hope that they'll tell you what you want to hear... (don't be mad with me yet, keep reading) .... they should be bound by the same professional requirement.

Is it possible that your GP has only become fixated with the idea of neurological problems because he feels that it's the fastest way, bearing in mind the limitations of the NHS, to get you the 'all clear' so that you can have your driving license back. As this is obviously causing you a lot of trouble, maybe it would be an idea to work with him and go for the referral?

Alternatively, have you tried asking why he feels that your problem is neurological? If it isn't neurological, what is your alternative explanation? have you asked him about this possibility?
If you can't switch surgeries or change doctors, perhaps you could ask for a patient advocate to go with you to your next few appointments. One of these links might help you find someone:

Patient Concern

The Patients Association
Now I know where my GP is when he is not in London. Many folks also find it helps to ask NHS direct for help. The fact you have eneded up in A&E should alret the sleepy head to anything else that is going on.

I hope you get the help you need. Is there another GP in the practice you could see? You don't have to see the doctor you are registered with.
Thankyou all.Caroline would you like him over for a 2nd.opinon.(sic) at the present time I will pay for his ticket.LOL.Allison the links are useful didn't know about these people before,Taking my wife next Thursday night what I miss she should pick up on.
Lizzie,It took me 3 yrs. trying to convince him that I was getting depressed and drinking.His mindset ..no,no the drink is making you depressed.Eventually I built up a folder and set it in front of him..his comment..."Ah.yes I was reading an article in a medical journal last night ,and it desctibed you exactly".
I was walking up the road on Tuesday through the snow to our local shop,and I paused and thought " whats it all been for.I had a hard time getting off the drink and here I am not a step forward" So.yes feeling more than a little sorry for myself.
Lizzie.only ever once did I feel an episode coming on while driving.I pulled into a garage and my wife got me a bottle of lucozdade and a bar of choc.Couple of mins.later was right as rain.I reckon I had about 8 to 10 mins. warning before the last hypo.(?).One accident in 40 years of driving I hope should speak of my awareness.Oh.it was a black taxi I slightly collided with and the guy made a fortune out of my insurance co.
Off to collect my letter of referral for next week .Once again thankyou
Addboat, one doctor who is bad is bad enough, but perhaps we could both of ours in the Irish Sea or English Channel and see if the fish throw them bac or not!
Addboat, one doctor who is bad is bad enough, but perhaps we could both of ours in the Irish Sea or English Channel and see if the fish throw them bac or not!

No way..I enjoy sea fishing too much.We can do without lights here in the North coast courtesy of Sellafield warming the fish stocks..HeHe
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