A Preview of ?The Wearable Artificial Pancreas Company?

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Wow. Apparently just 'wow' is too short a mesage. So, WOW!
I'm sure that I've read work on this a couple years ago and it seems that it has progressed a little further along...

I can see where they going, but not quite got the 'wow' factor to me as I can't quite see how they going to get the glucogen pump to work!

Problem being that glucogen dumps the liver glucose into the blood stream, problem here is how are they going to prevent the liver fully dumping it's store which not only causes a rebound high, but you loses your safety net while the liver is restocking it's store! So if it over shoots with insulin to treat the rebound, you lost the safety net of the glucose store to treat a follow on hypo!

But if they can resolve these problems lovely idea, but don't think I would like to bring my palm into the loop, it's naff basically
Surely if there is glucagon in your system your body will know and not dump any from your liver?
Surely if there is glucagon in your system your body will know and not dump any from your liver?

No Idea sorry,
But then it not worry me as have none in store anyway 🙂
glucogen is the hormone that instructs the liver to dump.. But it does it in one action all or nothing...

Once the glucogen fired the liver store even in the non-diabetic the whole store dumps.. But with the non-diabetic it just counter reacts the spike with a dash of insulin to even it out..

So the question is, Can they glucogen hormone be changed in strength and its it possible to tell the liver to increase it's supply of glucose into the blood stream rather than dump the whole store!

And the biggest question is... As diabetics are we will to put our faith in it!

Me I'm not so sure, as well for the system to work theirs a long way still to go on the accuracy of GMS!
So what's to stop the new machine from adding a 'dash' of insuln to counteract the glucagon 'dump' ?
Don't get the terms confused - the hormone produced by the pancreas alpha cells is glucagon, but the stuff stored by the liver is glycogen - a form of glucose that is converted back to glucose in the blood when the liver is stimulated by the presence of glucagon. I imagine the difficulty with the device would be in preventing a feedback loop of glucagon/insulin/more glucagon etc,
This will happen but not for many years. THe first closed loop is not out yet, they are still trialling it. Friends children have been part of the trials. It is all about the sensor really and how accurate they can get it. The closed loop works when you are lying down doing nothing.

I do have another friend whose child is going to be part of the awake trials soon. So very exciting.

The complete closed loop that includes glucagon will also work on the same basis as the first one that will come out and will depend on the sensor being extremely accurate. The sensor will work on the blood sugar levels so it matters not whether the liver deposits anything or not as the sensor will track that anyway with blood sugar readings.

This will be awesome and will work at some point in the future. 12 years ago lots of us didn't have mobile phones you know. I only got one when I was pregnant with Jessica 11/12 years ago, not all my friends had them.
When I started on my pump in 2008 the rep was telling us about a development with lazers for reading BG...

A lazer senor being implanted into a vien, using the lazer to read the blood glucose at source! Transmitting it out to an handset/readout..

I know that computers have got pretty fast indeed, but for any of these systems to work in replacing our pancreas's, they are going to have to become fantastically fast, as it's going to take something extremely fast that can turn crunch the data and respond quick enough with the insulin and follow up with glucogen if necessary...

But a lot of interesting developments around.. Just don't stick it on a palm!

I can remember my BIL getting his first car phone (supplied by his employers) the powerpack had to go into boot it was that big, and the caddle sat between the front seats behind the handbrake, both the size of a house brick... that was around 1990 it was sooo cool when I rang my MIL who was baby-sitting that we were runing late but would be home in 5 minutes🙂
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