A personal Achievement

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I hope this hot weather isn't having to much of an impact on your diabetes!
I just want to share some good news with you.... I became T3C after having most of my pancreas removed two years ago this week. I found it very hard getting used to my new way of living... insulin, food, carbs, numbers, hypos and hypers!
For a good 18 months my numbers were all over the place and I thought I would never get my head around all this.
Fast forward two years and I have just had my HA1C results back and they are down to 57! I now they can still be better but considering they were in the 80s a year ago, I'm well pleased with this.
Yes, diabetes is hard work and it's a constant battle but with a lot of patience and determination anything is possible.

For those who are just starting their diabetes journey, stick with it and talk to your health care providers. You have got this!!
I hope this hot weather isn't having to much of an impact on your diabetes!
I just want to share some good news with you.... I became T3C after having most of my pancreas removed two years ago this week. I found it very hard getting used to my new way of living... insulin, food, carbs, numbers, hypos and hypers!
For a good 18 months my numbers were all over the place and I thought I would never get my head around all this.
Fast forward two years and I have just had my HA1C results back and they are down to 57! I now they can still be better but considering they were in the 80s a year ago, I'm well pleased with this.
Yes, diabetes is hard work and it's a constant battle but with a lot of patience and determination anything is possible.

For those who are just starting their diabetes journey, stick with it and talk to your health care providers. You have got this!!
Hi Trev,
So pleased you are managing to get those numbers down and I hope a lot of other folk ( know a couple of recently diagnosed 3cs have struggled to get stable) read your post as I have tried to comfort them thst things will improve in time.
Once again really well done.
Congratulations on a great result Trev. Hope you are feeling a bit more confident about managing your diabetes too.
Yes, it is always possible to do a bit better and hopefully some of the skills and strategies you have learned to achieve that dramatic improvement will become semi automatic and take up less head space or you will refine them a little to achieve a bit better result next time, but that has to be balanced with quality of life too, so don't push yourself too hard for better results at the expense of your mental wellbeing or enjoyment of life. I am sure your health care professionals must be delighted with your progress and so should you be. Even at that level, you have reduced the risk of complications significantly, so you have every reason to be very proud of yourself especially as Type 3c is so challenging and I am sure it will be inspiring to others to read of your success.

PS. Your Libre 2 reader is still working a treat for me and I still very much appreciate you sending me it. Hope you are finding the Dexcom is working better for you.
Yes terrific result for you; I remember a while back it was all pretty challenging for you and stressful.
Good to read it does get easier. Two months in and it all seems so random. Today started a drive at 7.6 and 20 mins later its 3.8 and I'm at the roadside munching on glucose - right before my dental appointment. Then got 'caught' having a cereal bar in reception before the hygienist 😳

Out of interest are the hbA1C numbers the percentage or the mmol/mol?
Well done from a fellow Coventrian!
Good to read it does get easier. Two months in and it all seems so random. Today started a drive at 7.6 and 20 mins later its 3.8 and I'm at the roadside munching on glucose - right before my dental appointment. Then got 'caught' having a cereal bar in reception before the hygienist 😳

Out of interest are the hbA1C numbers the percentage or the mmol/mol?
% is the old units, it was changed to being given in mmol/mol quite a few years ago to avoid confusion with numbers that people would get form home blood glucose monitors which would look similar but are mmol/l
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