A pain in the neck... i mean hand!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys,

Can i ask if anyone else has had any problems with arthritis since being diagnosed.

My mum and my grandmother on both sides of the family have/had both types of arthritis so i know it's in the family, but no one in my family has got it as young as me (Started a yr after dx'd, so i was 29/30), they all got it in their 50/60's.

I'm a little freaked out that i'm gonna be in a bad way when i get to 50/60 and won't be able to use my hands at all. I am already starting to get gnarly knuckles! 😱

This has only started recently and i heard that people with diabetes can get it. Is this true?

I have seen a specialist when it started hurting but they weren't very helpful and told me there wasn't anything they can do and gave me some silly hand exercises!

I take pain killers like they are smarties, i'm probably gonna end up with an ulcer just to top if off!

I think alcohol and tomatoes make it worse. Mum gave me some Bromelain (pineapple extract), Glucosamine and Cod Liver Oil, but i'm not noticing a difference.

So just wondering if anyone else has had problems and what kind thing do u do to relieve the pain and have u been given any advice that is a bit more useful.

cheers guys

Kt x :D
Hubby has osteoarthritis, he is on pain killers from the doctor.

Some people say cherries help relive the pain or rose hips, but we didn't notice any difference.

Try to keep as active as possible and try to do a little gentle exercise (tai chi, yoga type things). Swimming is said to help as water supports your body weight and also gives you gentle resistance. Some folks swear by cycling and walking. Listen to what your body is telling you and rest when you need to if you can.

Above all be patient with yourself. You may need pain killers from the doctor too, but have a chat with your team.
Apparently some people with arthritis react to tomatoes. There is something in the seeds (or so my brother says). Try having the tomatoes with out the seeds.
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