A new year’s resolution for the NHS: let’s deliver a new leadership approach

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sir Stuart Rose’s delayed report into leadership in the NHS is expected soon. The mirror he holds up to the NHS will feel uncomfortable in places. As we gaze into it, it is human nature that we will be drawn to any blemishes but must not lose sight of the finer points of NHS Leadership – the sheer guts, resilience, inspiration and ingenuity we see from home to hospital and board to ward every single day. It’s these points that will see us through but only if we redefine and embrace a new set of relationships between government, national bodies and local leaders.

Back in May, alongside national organisations representing patients, doctors, local government and NHS leaders, the NHS Confederation published the 2015 Challenge Declaration. The declaration, designed to kickstart a proper debate on the NHS, was an evidence based statement of the seven big challenges we face. At the heart of the seven were a triumvirate of defining a new leadership style; delivering an open and engaged culture; and creating a 21st century workforce.

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