A medical student becomes a diabetic and finds public disapproval

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
( A blog by a medical student)

Recently, our whole class was asked to “become” a diabetic to try and really understand what it is we’re diagnosing people with. Fantastic idea. Fantastic opportunity.

Not so fantastic to carry out. I opted for the insulin-dependent, type I option, which meant I had to keep a diary of what I ate (including counting carbohydrates), regularly check my glucose level, and inject myself before meals. (We didn’t actually inject insulin or saline, it was just so we get the feel for it.)

The meals were usually a cinch. For those who know me, you’ll recall I’m a creature of habit. I make one dinner for 4 days and generally have the same sorts of things for breakfast and lunch. Easy to count carbs that way. However, spreading out carbs and snacks through the day is a real pain, especially when you’re in school and they don’t generally allow food or drinks in the cadaver lab. All that ghrelin does give you the munchies, though.


Welcome to my world!
Good for her. There should be more publicity like that!
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