A little weight conundrum

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Andy HB

Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
OK, I have a theory about what happened with me recently, but I'm going to keep it to myself for now! I'd like to see if anyone else has any ideas.

I'm 6' 2'' tall (well, 6' 1'' the last time I was measured, but I refuse to accept that I'm shrinking!) and had reduced my weight from 248lbs to 224lbs between 20Oct09 and 02Apr10. I then went on a 2 week holiday on the Cheshire Ring canal system around Manchester (lots of exercise with locks and stuff). I wasn't drinking as much tea coffee and water during the day as I normally do, but was balancing that with a few pints of beer in the evening (working out at about 1 pint per day on average).

When I came back, on the 18Apr10 my weight had 'plummeted' to 218lbs. Over the next four days or so it dropped further to 216lbs. I then didn't weigh myself until 25Apr10 when my weight had gone back up to 219lbs.

During that week after I'd come back, my legs and feet were cramping a bit, especially after exercise. I was also finding it difficult during my daily 30min session on my rowing machine because I couldn't maintain a really good rate due to my legs cramping slightly if I pushed too hard.

Today (28Apr10), my weight is back to 218lbs and my legs/feet are not cramping any more and my last row was back to a good solid rate (for me).

So, my questions are:-
1) Assuming my food intake was not excessive, why did my weight suddenly jump from 216lbs to 219lbs in two days?
2) Could that weight gain be linked to my weight loss during the holiday (from 224lbs to 218lbs)? If so, how?
3) Was my leg/foot cramping just a random event or can it be linked with 1) and 2)?

Answers on a postcard to .......

Andy 🙂
Mmmmm. Did you weigh yourself at the same time each day? There is always a difference between your morning and evening weights.

A 6lb weightloss over 16 days is not exactly plummeting. But it is excellent the weight has stayed off even when back to your normal routine. Your liquid intake does make a difference.

No idea about the cramping unless the opening and closing of lock gates involved different muscles and the normal routine of running then brought back into use muscles you had not been using over the period of your holiday.

However, I know nowt really.
I am a little confused to say the least. Did you weigh yourself different times of the day because usually if I weigh myself in the morning I'm lighter than in the evening also weight can fluctuate. Have no idea about the cramping of legs though :confused:

I did omit to mention that I always weigh myself at the same time of day in the morning after breakfast and after all other normal functions (if you see what I mean!! :D).

Also, at the moment my breakfast always consists of porridge, banana & milk with a glass of orange juice and a coffee. I'll keep doing that until completely sick of it!!

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Mmmmm. Did you weigh yourself at the same time each day? There is always a difference between your morning and evening weights.

A 6lb weightloss over 16 days is not exactly plummeting. But it is excellent the weight has stayed off even when back to your normal routine. Your liquid intake does make a difference.

No idea about the cramping unless the opening and closing of lock gates involved different muscles and the normal routine of running then brought back into use muscles you had not been using over the period of your holiday.

However, I know nowt really.

For me, 6lb in 16 days is quite a bit because I'm making a point of eating quite well, but exercising to take up the 'slack'. On average, I'm looking to lose just 1lb per week.
hmmm I'm stumpted then :confused: what's the theory you have ?

I did omit to mention that I always weigh myself at the same time of day in the morning after breakfast and after all other normal functions (if you see what I mean!! :D).


:D would you mean a toilet break before hand
I've been losing an average of 2 - 2.5 kilos per month not counting Christmas when I didn't lose any, but didn't put any on either. This is a maximum of 6 pounds and a minimum of 4.4lbs per month, which isn't much. My doctor is happy with it though as I have some mobility problems and exercise is difficult. I do as much as I can though and with the better weather I'm hoping she'll let me go swimming which I can happily do all day.
During that week after I'd come back, my legs and feet were cramping a bit, especially after exercise. I was also finding it difficult during my daily 30min session on my rowing machine because I couldn't maintain a really good rate due to my legs cramping slightly if I pushed too hard.

Today (28Apr10), my weight is back to 218lbs and my legs/feet are not cramping any more and my last row was back to a good solid rate (for me).

So, my questions are:-
1) Assuming my food intake was not excessive, why did my weight suddenly jump from 216lbs to 219lbs in two days?
2) Could that weight gain be linked to my weight loss during the holiday (from 224lbs to 218lbs)? If so, how?
3) Was my leg/foot cramping just a random event or can it be linked with 1) and 2)?

Answers on a postcard to .......

Andy 🙂

No ideas about 1 and 2, but the cramping sounds like it could have been caused by lack of salt.
I know that when I go to the gym (or country dancing for an evening), I always take a little extra salt either with my dinner, or in water as I get cramp :( if I don't.
Good point. Beer is quite salty so perhaps your body had adjusted to that salt intake and was adjusting.
Thanks for the input, everyone.

My theory was that I might have been dehydrated. I thought about this and realised that normally I get through atleast 4 pints per day (from various sources --> 1 pint coffee, 1 pint tea and 2 pints straight water). Whilst on holiday this was probably only a pint and a half, plus another pint of beer per day!

So, is it feasible for me two have lost 2-3lbs of water by the end of the holiday only to then get back to normal when I was back home (hence the weight gain).

Meanwhile, can dehydration cause cramping?


So, my questions are:-
1) Assuming my food intake was not excessive, why did my weight suddenly jump from 216lbs to 219lbs in two days?
2) Could that weight gain be linked to my weight loss during the holiday (from 224lbs to 218lbs)? If so, how?
3) Was my leg/foot cramping just a random event or can it be linked with 1) and 2)?

Answers on a postcard to .......

Andy 🙂

This is my thoughts...
1) Sometimes the body does strange things... I put on 3lbs one week and I know I had not eaten that much more food (I am at weightwatchers so know exactly what I ate) you need to eat 3 x 3,500 cals to put on 3lbs of fat! I suggest it was dehydration and your body becoming rehydrated put the weight back on?
2) During your holiday you may have used up your glycogen stores? I think I was told this once that when somebody starts dieting for the first few weeks they tend to loose more weight as their glycogen stores are being used up and glycogen is a heavy molecule but dont know the science behind it (or even if that is true)...
3) No idea but the cramping could have something to do with your electrolyte imbalance (if indeed you were dehydrated) and /or the lack of energy getting to the muscles??
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