A little advice?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All.

I'm feeling a little downhearted today.

Struggling with high BG readings at the moment and it's got to me.

Can anyone offer any advice? (I've mentioned before I don't receive very good diabetes support from my local NHS service.)

Did a BG test last night to find it was 8.6, (I usually prefer my BG to be 10 before bed), so had a yoghurt and nectarine.
Had my usual 32 Lantus, then woke to a BG reading of 14.3.
:( :confused: :(

Could this be DP? (seems unlikely).
Also I hadn't down any exercise during the evening to push my BG down during the night).

Also as mentionin a previous post under exercise. Some times I have unexplained BG highs after exercise.


Feeling like giving up and just shoving a load of insulin in and hoping for the best like I used to!

I hope you feel better soon. We all have our ups and downs where our blood sugars seem to run rampant.

Not sure how to advise, but I'm sure someone on insulin will pop along soon and be able to make suggestions.
I'm sorry you're having a hard time of it lately. :( The most important thing, and the hardest thing, is to try and not let it get you down. We all have runs of high numbers, it happens to the best of us. I used to get really depressed when it happened, but now I try to ask myself what I'm going to do about it instead.

Has anything changed in your routine that might have pushed your numbers up? Stress, less activity, that sort of thing?

Can I ask why you normally go to bed on 10 or higher? Do you have problems with dropping overnight? The reason I ask is that I would correct a 10 down at bed, and if I was 8.6 and then ate without bolusing, I would expect it to push me quite a bit higher. If you do have problems dropping overnight, then you need to sort your lantus dose. It may need decreasing, or it may need to be taken at a different time, but you shouldn't have to be at 10 in order to go to bed. I know it can be scary going to bed on a lower number, but if your basal is set correctly, it won't be a problem. 🙂

I haven't read the other thread about exercising, but when I went on Dafne, they said that some people go high after exercise for a couple of different reasons. It could be eating too much before hand, or not enough insulin circulating.

I know it's frustrating, I have been in your position many times before and it's never fun. You just need to remind yourself that every change you make to try and get your blood sugar down is helping you in the long run, and that you're probably not going to sort everything out overnight. It might take a wee while, but I know you'll get there in the end. 🙂 And now I'll stop rambling...😱
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