A healthy diet is key to battling diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
KNOWING sweets, chocolates and cakes, were not her weaknesses, pregnant Jodi Fair was confident her blood sugar levels would be fine.

At 28 weeks into her pregnancy, the 35-year-old had her blood sugar levels tested at Queen Alexandra Hospital, in Cosham.

She was shocked to find her levels were high, and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

It means she has been going to QA for more check-ups, has had to make changes to her diet and lifestyle, and will be induced, to keep herself and her baby safe during birth.

And she’s not alone, each year the hospital sees scores of diabetic mums – since April 2012, QA has seen more than 244 women.


Carbohydrates also contain sugar, which if eaten in large portions, can affect blood sugar levels.

Hmmm...only LARGE portions eh? 🙄
What disturbs me is she thinks she's changed her diet.


Typically Jodi was having toast for breakfast, a sandwich at lunchtime and a carb-heavy meal such as a pasta dish for dinner.

So it's


In other words, she has three meals a day that are based entirely around carbohydrates


She now has porridge in the morning for breakfast. At lunch, the expecting mum has a salad or jacket potato, and if she wants to eat a sandwich, she has switched from white bread to granary. In the evenings wholemeal pasta is eaten.

So now it's


So now she has three meals a day that....oh.

The best thing is you just know some dietician has told her that this is now supposedly a completely different diet.
Indeed! I suppose she might have improved the GI of her meals, depending on her tolerance, but still carbs all the way! 😱
Not necessarily a problem continuing to have carbs for every meal. Perhaps she's reduced the quantity as well as improving the GI aspect of her diet.

It could be said that I still base my meals around carbs, but I have reduced the quantity substantially (but am still high by some people's standards). Given that my last HBA1c was 5.8% (or 40mmol/mol) and the one before that 6.0% and the one before that 5.9%, I think that is working Ok (for me at least).

You don't have to go low carb unless the BG results tell you to do so!

Andy 🙂
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