A health expert at your fingertips - the latest medical apps

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Could a smartphone app help reduce your risk of cancer? That is the claim from SkinVision, a new app that monitors the skin for suspicious moles and tracks exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. All you have to do is take a picture of your skin ? and at the touch of a button you get an expert analysis of its condition.

Some 40,000 medical apps are now available for smartphones and tablet PCs such as iPads, among them software to help plan a pregnancy, monitor mood swings and help with weight loss. US scientists are even working on an app where, if you cough into your iPhone, it will analyse the cause of the cough ? whether serious or otherwise.

Even the Government is getting in on the act, with recent proposals that GPs recommend apps to those patients who are among the 30 million owners of smartphones. ?I want to make using apps to track blood pressure, to find the nearest source of support when you need it and to get practical help in staying healthy the norm,? said the then health secretary Andrew Lansley earlier this year.

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