A day in the life of ... a deputy manager at the NHS Leadership Academy

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Karen Lynas's home life ignited her passion for the NHS. Now she travels across the country, meeting, inspiring and encouraging potential leaders.

Today was a good day because I woke up in my own bed, which is unusual as mostly I work away from home. I spend a lot of time with chief executives and directors of NHS organisations, and if I was not prepared to meet them out of hours I probably wouldn't get to meet them at all. They are a group of individuals who are often derided in the press but my experience is they are usually good people doing difficult jobs and always very busy.

It's my life at home that has ignited a personal passion for the NHS. My son has always been a frequent user of its services ? he is currently in renal failure and on dialysis. I care deeply about the quality of clinical care he receives but also about how that care is delivered. And for me that is about leadership. Great leadership is at the heart of a good health service. You can tell by walking on to a ward or into a clinic, or by meeting a community nurse, if they are well led or not. So my work ? developing great leadership in healthcare ? is also my passion.

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