A Daft Question !!!!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Since being diagnosed as type 1, i have had to increase the amount of times i inject in a day. My question is, is there anything on the market whereby you can carry two pens and about half a dozen needles in the same container. It's just that i seem to have everything in different pockets all over the place and i would prefer to have them in a nice compact container which i could pop into one pocket ?

PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂
container for pen devices etc

I use a zipped pencil case - cheap and easily large enough to contain 2 pens, spare needles, spare cartridges etc. Actually, I only carry 1 pen (for bolus insulin), but also a long acting cartridge and syringe, plus spare bolus cartridge, plus a few painkilling tablets, plasters and tampons (not so useful for Aries Man, I appreciate). If concerned about physically protecting pen devices, then a pencil tin would be ideal. I find that this is discrete, as it's not immediately obvious that it contains medical items.
Would a childs pencil case do the job? I have no idea how big the pens are though, so just a thought.
Or what about a bum bag?
Aries man,

What I have heard of are called Frio pouches. These have the added benefit of being cool packs aswell. You can get them for pens and many other things. I leave a link below to their website.


Hope this helps.
I used friopacks when I went round the world - they are fab for keeping insulin cool - but not so good for everyday use - and have do not little pockets for needles etc. Saying that i bought mine years ago - they may have changed. They do not particularly offer any protection wither. I think small pencil case it the easiest and cheapest option. I wish I was practical as I would love to produce useful carriers for pens/blood testing machine etc - I HATE the one the AVIVA comes with - bloomin great thing. The one forthe accu-check active was the best - very small and compact. Sorry - whinge over - pencil case!
Thanks for all the replies, i never thought about the good old pencil case 🙂. I'll wait for my grand kids to go to sleep tonight and pinch one of theirs and tell them that Santa is really a thief 😉 lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I use a Desang case. I bought it to cheer myself up when I started on insulin - retail therapy works wonders with me. The real leather cases are really nice and very well made. I manage to fit two pens, a One Touch Ultra Smart meter together with strips lancing device and controll solution, about ten needles, a tray containing my days supply of tablets, a tube of Glucogel, a BD needle clipper and a glucogon kit into mine. They are a little bulky, though, so they can't be fitted in a pocket so I usually carry a small knapsack that I use for a packed lunch and the Desang.
Lissie, thank you for pointing me towards this carry-case site. Why should the equipment carriers look purely functional when, like these, they can look good too ! Too late for a Christmas present for me but perhaps birthday ?? Oh dear, the Big D. has even taken over my present list ! hey ho !
also from a girls perspective, the lovely make up bags in monsoon/accessorize are so nice and big enough to carry everything in. Just looks like your taking make up to the toilet
Hi Daisy,

I find that my accu chek aviva pouch can keep quite a bit in and is perfect for my suit pocket. I don't use an aviva, I use an accu check active. It's quite good as I can fit in the monitor, finger pricker, two cartridges of insulin, needles for my pen (about 8 I think) and a pack of glucose tablets.

Tom H
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