A Commemoration…

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Type 2
Celebrating Orville and Wilbur Wright's first flight on 17 December in 1903…

Said Orville to Wilbur, "Hold tight!
We're going to make our first flight.
The ground we shall shift off.
Hurrah! We have lift off."
And both of the brothers were Wright.

The Wright Brothers, dreaming of levity,
Made a flight of nonsensical brevity.
The engine's bad shudder
Was caused by the rudder,
And threatened the couple's longevity.

Said Wilbur Wright, "Oh, this is grand,
But, Orville, you must understand.
We've discovered alright
The secret of flight…
The question is, how do we land?"

…and somewhat later, and sadly

Two earnest young fellows named Wright
Discovered the secret of flight.
Now the earnest young crew
Of a B52
Can wipe out the world overnight.
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