A busy old day

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Part one.

I had a call this morning to say the first of my two new pairs of specs were ready, did I want to come in and collect them? So off I went hirpling into town and got fitted up with my first pair of varifocals. I guess I'm officially an old fart now.

Being me, I ignored the instructions to wait till I got home before trying them out and on they went as soon as I was round the corner. Woah! As long as I remember to look out of the top part of the lens while walking I'm fine, but I've long had a habit of wearing my specs down on my nose and looking over them. Or looking down when I wanted to look through the lenses. I did that out of habit and almost fell over when everything started spinning, I almost walked into a lamp post at one point. Being nothing if not determined, I persevered and eventually made it home where I'm typing this with my nose in the air so I can use the reading part of the lens to see the keyboard.

This is going to take some getting used to. Off to the surgery to see the DSN this afternoon, that'll be another adventure.
LOL i was the same when i got mine i didnt even give mine 5 daya I rang on the 5th day and they where ready, its weird aint it i felt the need to grab onto the wall when i was in town at first as it felt like i was going to fall lol
The busy day: Part II

HbA1c, 9.8%, from 11.7%. Serum cholesterol, 4.4, down from 10.0!😱 They were very surprised by that last, so was I. My creatinine is up on last month, which is a cause for some concern.

I may not be able to tolerate the Gliclazide, I have to talk to the doctor about that next Monday, he may give me the slow release one to try. I'm allowed to continue testing, but she says only do it once a day unless I think I'm hypo, or trying a new food. At this stage she says, I pretty much know what's good and what's bad foodwise. Fair enough, I can live with that for now.

My feet and hands are fine, they'll be checked again in March. Interim appointment in January. Letter from eye clinic should arrive in a week or two, postal strike permitting.

Oh, and I'm getting used to the new specs, no adventures this time.
LOL Ali im back next monday as well lol are we twins hehe good on the hbA thats a reduction so going right way about it and not to bad a news with the testing either , ohh good news on hands and feet as well ive only had mine checked once so far, good luck with next Monday x
Question: If I'm only meant to test once a day, what time would be best to do it? In the am before breakfast, would this be my FBG? At night, before I go to bed, remember I may go hypo at night so it might make sense to test then and have a snack if I'm a bit low?
Result of my visit to the DSN. Although some of the numbers are good, some are less so, my liver and kidneys aren't too good. The DSN seemed more interested in training her assistant than in dealing with my troubles. It seemed to me they were being shrugged off rather than acknowledged and I was being talked down to. I now feel let down, irritated and depressed. I'm tempted to head for the chocolate by way of comfort - don't worry I won't. I am so pissed off, is it always going to be like this? Fighting for decent treatment and getting knocked back?
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