A big thank you

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I just wanted to say a big thank you. You guys on this forum have been amazing and although I don’t really post, I just wanted to let you know what a difference you all make, even if you don’t know it. I was diagnosed with type 2 in January of this year with a HBA1c of 114 following a blood test when I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. I was so scared and despite having several family members with type 2 diabetes I felt really alone. I had no idea what to do, what to eat or what was to come. I was given metformin (2 x 1g tablets) and I hung around this forum reading what I could and doing some of my own research. I went low carb and stuck quite carefully to it. Since then I’m in jeans that are 3 sizes smaller than January. I still have a huge amount of weight to lose but I’m happy with my progress in 5 months. Well, I’ve just had a phone call from the diabetic nurse at my doctors surgery. My latest blood test results are in and my HbA1c has now dropped to 31. They want me to stop metformin altogether although I did negotiate continuing with just my morning dose for now until I’ve had at least one more blood test. Just gives me a little bit of confidence that I have something helping me on and obviously I am in this for the long haul. I couldn’t have done this without the advice from you all, even if you didn’t know you were giving it. There must be so many others who hang around the forums quietly learning from you all but not saying anything. I’m very aware that my results will go up and down and that this is for life, but right now, I just feel really happy that the changes have had an impact so thanks again.
That is brilliant @Kt84 🙂 You should be very proud of yourself. I agree the forum is amazing, I could never have got to where I am without all the support. Keep up the excellent work! x
That is a truly fantastic result, I bet you couldn't quite believe it. Reading a result like that is really inspiring and I hope it encourages other that it can be done.
Wow fantastic result, well done 🙂
Brilliant result, well done!! I agree, this forum is a constant source of useful information. My GP and diabetes nurse have been very helpful but this forum has contributed massively to my progress.

Keep going, stay motivated, you are an inspiration :D
Well done @Kt84 - that’s brilliant progress! Good for you. 🙂
Brilliant result, well done!! I agree, this forum is a constant source of useful information. My GP and diabetes nurse have been very helpful but this forum has contributed massively to my progress.

Keep going, stay motivated, you are an inspiration :D
And I'll second that, I'm always amazed by all the knowledgeable members on the forum and have learnt so much
since joining back in May 22 - Thank you all.
o_O 114 to 31 !!! So you’re one of 3 things… a super hero, a wizard or the most determined person I’ve ever heard of. Congratulations I wish you health and happiness xx
Hi @Kt84,

Congratulations on your excellent result. Keep up the good work that you have been doing - which I'm sure you will do! You certainly are motivated to do it - so I think you will reach the goal you have set for yourself!

That's amazing...and an inspiration to others.
Wow! That is some result! Many, many congratulations! So pleased that our combined experience here on the forum and your hard work has paid off so dramatically and many thanks for posting about it because I am sure it gives us all a boost as well as provide hope and inspiration for those newly diagnosed.

I totally agree with you about this forum. I learned almost everything I know from the good people here and I would be surprised if there is a better resource for practical advice and guidance on diabetes anywhere in the world.

Anyway, a huge WELL DONE to you and wishing you all the very best for the future.
That is a massive reduction @Kt84 .
Well done and so glad that you have found the forum so useful.
Well done on the changes that you have made which have had such a massive impact.
That is brilliant @Kt84 🙂 You should be very proud of yourself. I agree the forum is amazing, I could never have got to where I am without all the support. Keep up the excellent work! x
this forum and Prof Roy Taylor are the two reasons my diabetes is almost in remission (three HbA1Cs of 37, 37 and 38)
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