A bad case of the 'why mes'

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I'm having a really awful day. Tears, tantrums, shakes, temperature spikes, can't see straight, you name it. And I ain't misbehaving either, I'm sticking to the diet, taking the pills on time and still feeling like death warmed up. BGL isn't as high as it has been, it was 8.2 this am and 9.6 before lunch, a big improvement on this time last week when it was in the teens. I am due on though, and of a 'certain' age. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

I just feel like curling up under the duvet and sleeping for a year or two. I can't stop crying, I was out for a walk to Tooting Bec Lido earlier and had to stop for a bit because I couldn't see for the tears.


I hope things will be better tomorrow.
hi there alison big ((((((hugs))))) for you i dont think theres a diabetic amongst us here whether we have it or a child/partner/family member has it that has not had these days, sometimes diabetes is very depressing we just wake up and think why me what did i do to deserve this , all i can say is we are here for you to have a rant or a moan or a cry with , we all know how you feel and are with you 100%, on the side of coming on that also does not help us ladies with our moods certainly where im concerened i just want to close the bedroom door and stay in my bed and hibernate

your never alone as long as your here alison , hope you feel better soon xxxxxxx
Definitely worth mentioning next time you see your GP - it may be diabetes related or completely independent eg menopause, in which case, GP is best placed to help / refer etc. Hope you are feeling better tomorrow - let us know how you are tomorrow, however you feel.
Alison, I hope you are feeling a little better now - I find a good cry makes me feel better usually.

I can identify (as we all can) with your "why me?" day - I came home from a DESMOND course yesterday feeling so depressed. I'm sure they felt they were reassuring us but it had the opposite effect on me - all doom and gloom it seemed.

I'm sure your levels will balance out soon - they certainly have improved as you say, but I'm afraid this blasted condition (and being a woman) gets you down at times.

You know you have friends on here to whom you can rant, ask anything or just say Hi. I can't help from this distance but send hugs too. Private message me if you think an "off the site" rant would help at any time.
I'm having a really awful day. Tears, tantrums, shakes, temperature spikes, can't see straight, you name it. And I ain't misbehaving either, I'm sticking to the diet, taking the pills on time and still feeling like death warmed up. BGL isn't as high as it has been, it was 8.2 this am and 9.6 before lunch, a big improvement on this time last week when it was in the teens. I am due on though, and of a 'certain' age. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

I just feel like curling up under the duvet and sleeping for a year or two. I can't stop crying, I was out for a walk to Tooting Bec Lido earlier and had to stop for a bit because I couldn't see for the tears.


I hope things will be better tomorrow.

I hope you are feeling better. I am at tthat age where my periods are less regular, and mine was due a while ago. I had the tears and the tantrums and avoided contact with anyone I wasn't obliged to talk to.

If you are worried, it is worth talking to your doctor or the practice nurse. It does pass, but feels dreadful at the time.
Alison awww, hope you get over this blip soon, look forward to tomorrow or sooner! Haven't been to Tooting Bec Lido for ages, was it busy?? It's worse when things go wrong when your behaving, but a good old cry and rant can always help!

Stay strong or try and I hope you lift your spirits soon.
Thanks everyone, for your support. I feel better having got it off my chest. I know it's early days for me and part of it I suspect is the reality sinking in. It scared me though because I'm normally a pretty even tempered soul and take everything in my stride.

The Lido was pretty quiet really, it's not that warm out, even with the sun shining. I didn't linger, just walked down and back to Streatham Hill which is where I live. Note to self, get pedometer.
Hi Allison 🙂 awww sorry to hear you're feeling low at the moment :( I know a few people have already said it and I can only echo that , but we all have down days , sometimes a week or two of why me's !! I think it comes with the territory. You are not on your own , every person on this forum knows exactly how you feel >>> we've all been there . I'm sending you (((HUGS))) 🙂
I'm glad you are feeling better. it always help to be able to share with others. You are among friends here, and there is always someone who can help or sympathise.
Hope you're feeling much better tomorrow Alison.

The Lido was pretty quiet really, it's not that warm out, even with the sun shining. I didn't linger, just walked down and back to Streatham Hill which is where I live. Note to self, get pedometer.

Alison, sorry to hear you feel miserable hon. Hope you feel brighter tomorrow- sometimes these things pass on and dont feel so bad the day after and I really hope this is the case.

We must be near neighbours! 🙂 If I knew there was forum member in need, I would have summoned you in Perfect Blend for a diabetes rant to get it off your chest! (I was in fitness first in streatham hill next door all afternoon, we could have conversed- bear this in mind if you ever need to let off some steam! Im always kicking about).

Lou xx
I'm having a really awful day. Tears, tantrums, shakes, temperature spikes, can't see straight, you name it. And I ain't misbehaving either, I'm sticking to the diet, taking the pills on time and still feeling like death warmed up. BGL isn't as high as it has been, it was 8.2 this am and 9.6 before lunch, a big improvement on this time last week when it was in the teens. I am due on though, and of a 'certain' age. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

I just feel like curling up under the duvet and sleeping for a year or two. I can't stop crying, I was out for a walk to Tooting Bec Lido earlier and had to stop for a bit because I couldn't see for the tears.


I hope things will be better tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that you are having a bad time. You mention diet - what are you eating? I suppose that you know that for a Type 2 cutting back on the carbohydrate (cereal, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice) is the easiest way to get a significant reduction in your blood glucose levels?
Lots of veggies, very little in the way of bread etc, very little fruit (that's a really tough one, I love my fruit and fruit juice). Low fat everything, I tried skimmed milk... BLECH! It's green water! So I'm using semi-skimmed. Olivio instead of butter. No added sugar in tea and such. I never did eat cakes and stuff as I'm allergic to eggs. No alcohol, I'm not much of a drinker.

Let me see, brekky was two weetabix and semi-skimmed, plus a cup of tea. Lunch was a pile of crudites and my yoghurt dip and tonight's tea was a mustard crusted salmon steak, mixed steamed veg and a big mug of tea. I drank about a litre of water as well during the day. I rarely snack or get the munchies, in fact I'm having to force myself to eat at the moment. That's been pretty much the pattern since I was diagnosed.
Lots of veggies, very little in the way of bread etc, very little fruit (that's a really tough one, I love my fruit and fruit juice). Low fat everything, I tried skimmed milk... BLECH! It's green water! So I'm using semi-skimmed. Olivio instead of butter. No added sugar in tea and such. I never did eat cakes and stuff as I'm allergic to eggs. No alcohol, I'm not much of a drinker.

Let me see, brekky was two weetabix and semi-skimmed, plus a cup of tea. Lunch was a pile of crudites and my yoghurt dip and tonight's tea was a mustard crusted salmon steak, mixed steamed veg and a big mug of tea. I drank about a litre of water as well during the day. I rarely snack or get the munchies, in fact I'm having to force myself to eat at the moment. That's been pretty much the pattern since I was diagnosed.
By testing, I found that Weetabix at breakfast and almost every other cereal sent my blood glucose levels soaring into double figures. Now I don't eat them except for Lizi's granola - a Low GI nut based cereal that I buy at Tesco. Try a grilled or lightly fried in olive oil breakfast - variations on tinned tomatoes, mushrooms, lean bacon, low fat sausage, baked beans etc - none of that should do very much for your blood glucose levels. Keep away from the toast at breakfast if you can - if you need it try small amounts of reduced-carbohydrate Burgen bread (again available in Tesco).

Everything else that you mention sounds just fine.

Personally, I eat loads of fruit and find that it has little effect on my blood glucose levels. However, others do report that some fruits do cause them problems - especially grapes and bananas. People generally find berry fruits OK. If you like fruit then I'd try different types and test one hour after eating it and see what it's done.

Stick with what you are doing and I would expect your results to improve very quickly.

Thanks Wally, I'll give that a go.
Hi again Alison,

I for one will be interested to hear what you manage to achieve. It is my experience that improvement dose come quickly once you take control.

Best Wishes - John
until you get your pedometer...

Hi Alison
You idea of getting a pedometer is very wise - noting down number of steps per day is an excellent way of realising that you are taking exercise (and hopefully combining with going somewhere interesting and / or useful eg shop or park) In the meantime, there are lots of mapping websites so you can work out your distances covered eg Map My Run http://gb.mapometer.com/en/ Don't be put off by run in the website name - it's aimed at walkers and cyclists as well as runners. www.walkit.com covers several UK cities, including London and can also be used for planning and recording journeys on foot.
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