95 days to Christmas!

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Ruth Goode

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
As it will be Carly's 1st Christmas as diabetic this year, I like to start to think of something to make it good and happy for her so any advice or experience?
I am sure any plans you had or will have will be spot on...........nothing should change coz of the diabeasties..............
Christmas are full of drinks and food 🙂 it will be a lot less of sugary stuffs from now on so Im just thinking of any ideas, I guess I will soon get my head buried in diabetes cookery books
Hi Ruth it was my first xmas with D last year now i know of course it will be diffirent for a small child and she wont be thinking about the same problems and worries i was, but in my experiece with it last year, i found that the less fuss made about it the better, i just went about the day opening pressies making the lunch and putting diabetes to the back of my mind, i allowed myself everything i had pre diagnosis for my xmas dinner but i cut out on having the usual dessert i used to have and stuck to 1 small piece of yule log..As for other family members which was my main concern as we visit his brothers every year and theres always about 5 desserrts to choose from that went ok as well i ended up having a piece of fruit and some cream.. and nobody really made any fuss about it and i enjoyed the day..

I guess in essence im saying dont let it worry you like mad and take things as they come..the less fuss the better.
I think as a small child the food consumed wont be as excessive as say my christmas consumption, but I think easing off a wee tad would be fine just for the day, and by that I mean still inject but eat a varietie of christmas treats........
Thanks Steffie, I guess it's more for my whole family, since Carly was dx our kitchen cupboards and fridge/freezer got looking more healthier so have we, I guess we are few pounds lighter each which is good 🙂 we only can have chocolates when Carly is in bed :-S now I'm thinking Christmas food..... It will be more cooking for me, not that I'm worried... Just curious!
It was my first Christmas last year and I was all of dither beforehand about what to have or not to have. In the end it was much as usual except I tried not to touch the mince pies or other Christmas desserts (I did have a sliver of Christmas pudding). I had a fruit salad and made a dressing out of apple juice and spices including cinnamon and cloves. Other than that the day went much as usual and I didn't feel I was missing out at all.

I know she's only a wee soul, but I think she won't realise she's missing anything as long as you seem normal to her. Get excited about the presents and the silly hats and crackers, but not about the food and she won't know there's something different.
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We have exactly the same food as we've always had at Christmas and I wouldn't want it to change just because Ive got Diabetes. I don't stuff myself as much as I did on Christmas day anymore, not because i'm diabetic, just because I'm an adult and realise it isn't actually fun to be stuffed all day! (still eat loads though).
Most kids like the treats at Christmas. Advent calenders ar brilliant in the run up to Christmas as they have just a small square of chocolate in them.

Don't avoid giving treats, but the impact can be reduced if part of a meal or if you have been playing active party games.

How old is Carly? If she is old enough she may like to be involved in the planning and helping to decide which foods and treats to buy. My big boy is now 24 and although not diabetic I found it was easier to get him to eat healthily if he was included in the planning. I also encourage little feller to help with the planning so we all get something nice.
I see Carly is 2 - so it could be your family you need to speak to about not buying lots of chocolates and sweeties etc. If there is lots of fruit around and everyone else is eating it, then Carly will not know it is any different. She will not remember last Christmas so it is just the multiple selection box presents you have to be careful about.

Other parents should be able to tell you more but I think your big job may be warning others and asking them to respect the need to reduce the usual type of Christmas present. If they need ideas for what to buy, suggest things like frilly socks, little dolls or whatever she is in to at the moment.
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