9.4 in middle of night, anyone awake ?


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi , taken at 3 this morning because my heart is doing it’s crazy beat ( waiting for test ) I’m type two not on medication yet but wanted to see what levels are as my feet and lower legs are tingling, I feel really weird , thirsty, jumpy and can’t sleep
sorry to be a pain but any feedback would be great as I’m very new to this ….
Morning, Hazel, things always seem worse in the wee small hours!
9.4 is higher than ideal, but not massively so.

The tingling feet and legs, especially at night, and thirst are signs of high BGs (blood glucose levels). Drink plenty of water.

Do you have an appointment yet with GP or nurse at your surgery? If not, I would keep hassling them.

Hope you have managed to get back to sleep.
Don't forget, anxiety and overbreathing go together, and that in itself can cause peripheral tingling. As @silentsquirrel said, middle of the night 9.4 isn't anything to panic about, but if you are new to the game, it is obviously worrying. I'm sure when you get your appointment with the Diabetes nurse at the surgery, your worries will be much reduced.

I'm willing to bet your BG was near normal this morning.
Hazel I was 3xactly the same when I was first diagnosed. Terrible nights but more from anxiety. Now a year on as type 1 and sleep better but because my anxieties are no where near so bad. Most nights though I'm on a 9 but slide down to a 7 something by breakie. I'm told by my dB nurse not to worry about a 9 at night.