8th deadly sin? Complacency!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Many of you will know that I got my hba1c under control fairly quickly on metformin and a vlc diet. Just had my latest hba1c and it's gone up from 36 to 39. The GP receptionist sounded really pleased as everything was "normal"! LFTs, cholesterol and hba1c. But I know I've dropped my guard and started snacking sometimes. I still don't do "carby" carbs like taters and bread, but I've been sneaking in a fun size pack of maltesers most days, drinking more Costa flat whites and am drinking more red wine and I suppose it's a combination of these wot dun it!
I know I have to come down hard on myself and cut out the treats. I'm seeing my DN in November for annual review (last one was June 2020) and I'm sure she will have something to say.
I'm sure I can't be the only one who has partially dropped off the wagon, clinging on desperately before I hit the ground. So has anyone got any motivational ideas to get me back on board please? Thanks everyone 🙂
Don't be too hard on yourself @Vonny - 39 is not far from 36 when you consider the accuracy of the tests.
I understand that you want to be better and this isn't a bad reminder.
Good news is that, unless it is sweet, the red wine is probably not the culprit so can continue. Maybe you can use it as a motivational reward when you have a good day/week?
Totally agree with @helli There is an error margin in all tests and you are still in the normal zone and red wine very unlikely to be the issue, so that just leaves the packets of Maltesers (dangerously moreish!) as a weekly treat instead of a daily treat (you will enjoy them all the more for being less frequent) and don't have your flat white the same day as you have them. You will find the balance again but I know how very easy it is to start sliding back down the slippery slope and I have to consciously check myself sometimes.
@Vonny , the thing about these scores is they are whole numbers. Your 36 could have been 36.4 - rounded down, and your 39 could just as easily by 38.6, rounded up to 39.

When I got my numbers down I gave myself a bit of a talking to about what the future meant, and I realised life isn't always the easy road we'd wish for, so I have a range of numbers I feel comfortable with. Provided I don't go above the number I have agreed with myself I'm fine about it.

I's suggest you cut yourself some slack.
Hi @Vonny You're doing great! If you need motivation just look at your profile picture and think how much better you feel now!
Totally sympathise @Vonny . Now that I'm no longer utterly terrified of this diagnosis I cut myself some slack (too much) and put on 7 lbs so have set myself a target of losing 10 lbs by Xmas. Reduced carb so that should keep the HbA1c on track. You're doing great!
Hi @Vonny, I sympathise completely - mine went from 37 to 40, and I blamed lockdown! I know exactly where I've been scoffing more treats and the like, and have only myself to blame... Of course Christmas is coming and the panettone is begging me to buy it, and the liqueur chocs, and the nice jars of peaches in brandy.....
Try not to be too hard on yourself Vonny. You have done so well so you know that you can do it and you will do it again 🙂. It sounds as though you know what has pushed it up, fun size malteasers etc. Maybe ration them to once a week? Being dim why is flat white coffee bad? Is it the milk or do you put sugar in it? We all fall off now and again. But like horse riding we must get back on and persevere. You can do it. Go for it and Good luck! 🙂
Agree with others - be kind to yourself @Vonny 🙂

Good that you have noticed a few things you may want to make less regular (though red wine never affects my bg levels 😉 )

@happydog - yes I believe flat whites are pretty milky, so quite carby, I think.
Agree with others - be kind to yourself @Vonny 🙂

Good that you have noticed a few things you may want to make less regular (though red wine never affects my bg levels 😉 )

@happydog - yes I believe flat whites are pretty milky, so quite carby, I think.
Do you have a continuous monitor like the Libre?
I find mine BG rises in the night after my liver finishes the alcohol off?
Do you have a continuous monitor like the Libre?
I find mine BG rises in the night after my liver finishes the alcohol off?

Yes I’ve been wearing CGM fairly consistently for years. Beers, ciders and lagers have a dramatic effect, but nothing much from a glass or two of wine.

Google seems to suggest dry reds are maybe 2.6g of carbs per 100g?
Yes I’ve been wearing CGM fairly consistently for years. Beers, ciders and lagers have a dramatic effect, but nothing much from a glass or two of wine.
Thanks for the response.
It's interesting to compare, I found mine rose at about 5am, but settled down later.
It always woke me up.
I assumed it was a live dump after it did its work on the alcohol.
Thanks for the response.
It's interesting to compare, I found mine rose at about 5am, but settled down later.
It always woke me up.
I assumed it was a live dump after it did its work on the alcohol.

Whiskey, whisky and rum (no mixers) plus G&slimlineT are BG friendly too - or at least, I *think* they are. But perhaps I should run some more experments, y’know… for research purposes. 😉😛
Many of you will know that I got my hba1c under control fairly quickly on metformin and a vlc diet. Just had my latest hba1c and it's gone up from 36 to 39. The GP receptionist sounded really pleased as everything was "normal"! LFTs, cholesterol and hba1c. But I know I've dropped my guard and started snacking sometimes. I still don't do "carby" carbs like taters and bread, but I've been sneaking in a fun size pack of maltesers most days, drinking more Costa flat whites and am drinking more red wine and I suppose it's a combination of these wot dun it!
I know I have to come down hard on myself and cut out the treats. I'm seeing my DN in November for annual review (last one was June 2020) and I'm sure she will have something to say.
I'm sure I can't be the only one who has partially dropped off the wagon, clinging on desperately before I hit the ground. So has anyone got any motivational ideas to get me back on board please? Thanks everyone 🙂
Don't be so hard on youself. 39 is fine. How about only half the malteasers in the packet and have the other half the next day? I know it sounds odd but it might just be the tweak that is necessary.
Whiskey, whisky and rum (no mixers) plus G&slimlineT are BG friendly too - or at least, I *think* they are. But perhaps I should run some more experments, y’know… for research purposes. 😉😛
Not experimented with whisky, but I have tested rum and gin fairly extensively along with red wine and no problem at all either at the time or through the night. They don't seem to lower my levels either which is a tad disappointing considering that alcohol can do that. I wonder if my liver is the only part of me capable of multitasking. (I'm not a real woman apparently!) Sadly port has been known to raise my levels quite significantly within an hour of drinking it despite accompanying a nice chunk of cheese. I am still experimenting with this combination to find a way to make it work as I do like port and cheese. A long walk earlier in the afternoon seems to be a reasonable trade off.
Not that I am wanting to rob you of the opportunity of experimenting for yourself Mike. N=1 is certainly not scientifically very valid, so feel free to continue the research... Cheers to you and Vonny! 😉
Probably just me with some weird body clock still running, kicking off a normal liver dump, just wake me up at 5 am then!
Not that I am wanting to rob you of the opportunity of experimenting for yourself Mike. N=1 is certainly not scientifically very valid, so feel free to continue the research... Cheers to you and Vonny! 😉

Well… one could argue that actually, with diabetes being so bloomin fickle and individual, n=1 is the most scientifically valid cohort?! 😛
Many of you will know that I got my hba1c under control fairly quickly on metformin and a vlc diet. Just had my latest hba1c and it's gone up from 36 to 39. The GP receptionist sounded really pleased as everything was "normal"! LFTs, cholesterol and hba1c. But I know I've dropped my guard and started snacking sometimes. I still don't do "carby" carbs like taters and bread, but I've been sneaking in a fun size pack of maltesers most days, drinking more Costa flat whites and am drinking more red wine and I suppose it's a combination of these wot dun it!
I know I have to come down hard on myself and cut out the treats. I'm seeing my DN in November for annual review (last one was June 2020) and I'm sure she will have something to say.
I'm sure I can't be the only one who has partially dropped off the wagon, clinging on desperately before I hit the ground. So has anyone got any motivational ideas to get me back on board please? Thanks everyone 🙂
Hi, it doesn't sound too bad Vonny. You have done so well. Help yourself by getting rid of temptation from the house, when the force is with you. I find my determination fluctuates, so I try and remove temptations that creep in to house. For example, Mrs W (Lynne) asked if I wanted beer in the weekly shop. At the time work was stressful so "yes please". As our daughter and son in law were visiting Lynne bought extra beer and a loaf of bread. 2 nights of beer, take aways and I made and ate a ham sandwich before bed resulted in 2kg weight gain and high blood sugars this morning.
So (I'm getting to the point) I gave the remaining beers and bread to my son in law to take away. I knew that I couldn't resist them indefinitely if they were in the house. So, if you have Maltesers in the house, chuck them in the bin / give them away, when your feeling more focused.
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