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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
might be getting a pump :D yee haaa xxx
Great news - you know where to come when you have any problems.🙂Bev
thanks peeps :D

got an appointment this tues to talk about it so ill let u all know how i get on :D

hey all,

i went for my appointment today and the doc said i will need to take a note of what im eating and ratios etc from now until the 20th of july, because today i only took in a silly we diary with sugars on it but he said he needs more details so hes gonna send me out a dafne diary...

he says i would be better off with a pump as my injection sites r quite bad and that i get dawn phenonemon but there is apparently no funding left in scotland so i could be waiting for two years!! but he will try his best to help me he said...

just another waiting game. i waited two years to get on dafne and now another long two years for the pump..

better than nothing i suppose 😛

Hello - I am currently on the waiting list in Edinburgh, I was approved in March 2009. I have been told I should get it at some point this year - v v v annoying.
Hello - I am currently on the waiting list in Edinburgh, I was approved in March 2009. I have been told I should get it at some point this year - v v v annoying.

it sucks doesnt it :(

i hope u get one soon!!! :D

Hope the wait ain't too long and you get what you need quick sharp! 🙂
Late to this thread but great news Loz , good luck X
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