8 hypo's

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm having a really rough time at the minute, if i'm not having bad hypo's then my bg's are high. I had 5 hypo's yesterday mainly in the 2's the last one I had after I'd tested my husband got me a coke and I just sat there with it in front of me he said drink it I just kept saying no I don't want to and started crying. It took him 15 minutes to persuade me to drink it, I know this sounds stupid but I was just so fed up of hypo's yesterday that I didn't want to drink I was just so fed up with it all.

Lately I'm having more bad days than good. My lantus has gone from 30 to 27 in a week and I'm still having night hypo's had two last night. Nothing has changed that I can think of and I don't feel unwell. I think from today I'm going to start keep a diary of my bg's again to try and see what's going on sometimes if it's written on a piece of paper it helps. :(
I hope you feel bteer soon. Just a thought, have you had more hypos since it has been warm? The warm weather either makes us less insulin resistent or makes us absorb the insulin more quickly. The diary or writing it down is a brilliant idea as it will show any trends going on.
The diary sounds like a good plan, something to show the docs too. Hope it all sorts itself out soon

Very sorry to hear it Emma :( I had a 2.9 yesterday and that made me feel bad all night, so how you must be feeling! 😱

It really does sound like you are becoming more sensitive to the lantus and need to discuss dropping it lower. I have no idea, but just speculating that maybe your body has started to fully recover from the pregnancy (not that it's an illness of course!), and this means your system is adjusting and needing a different insulin regime - maybe less lantus and more bolus insulin? Although I've never been pregnant (to my knowledge!) I was desperately ill when I was diagnosed. About 10 months later, when I was back to a more reasonable weight and all my bits and pieces had recovered, I had a huge shift in my insulin requirements, going from around 40% basal/60% bolus to about 25% basal/75% bolus. This has worked very well for me ever since.

I know we are all different, but may be something to discuss?

Hope you are able to get it sorted. Get writing that diary too! I've never missed an entry! OK, I'm a goody two shoes! 😉
Hi Emma, hope you are a little better today. I know exactly how you feel, Im having a bad time too at the moment, levels of 3.1/3.5 and with hardly any warning signs plus Im waking up at 4-5am with that level even though Ive had something to eat before going to bed.

I feel very teary, emotional and so down toda. Yesterday I left work at lunch time and went home to sleep as I just felt terrible - the aftermath of a couple of hypo's is just horrible. I feel so rough :(. I have an appointment tomorrow with my diabetes nurse luckily so hopefully I can sort it out then but I sympathise completely.
I'm so exhausted from all the hypo's and not enough sleep that I keep bursting into tears I just hope the diary helps me spot something so I can sort this stupid mess out.

I've noticed that my hypo awarness isn't too good lately either, maybe I should run myself a little on the high side so that I can get things back to normal? any suggestions whether that's a good idea?
I have been keeping a diary of my sugars for the past 6 weeks so Im hoping tomorrow I will get some advice. I really want to exercise but like you say, its so exhausting I just dont feel up to it at the moment.

It maybe worth trying to get an appointment with your diabetes nurse this week to get some help sorting it? Maybe just try adjusting your short acting insulin a little to see how you get on but you may have done that already 🙂!

I hope we both feel better soon, Im sick of lucozade and dextrose - ugh!
Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time at the moment.
Hope things settle down soon.
I'm currently having yet another hypo!😡 I'm thinking my lantus need's to go down another unit.

I would go and see the dsn but I've got my little one to look after and no car to get there so it'll have to wait a couple of weeks until I can get my husband to take me.
I'm currently having yet another hypo!😡 I'm thinking my lantus need's to go down another unit.

I would go and see the dsn but I've got my little one to look after and no car to get there so it'll have to wait a couple of weeks until I can get my husband to take me.

Any chance of a phone consultation? I can leave a message and they will call me back.
Emma - would it be worth cutting it back by a bit more as you are having so many hypos. I think on the Dafne course (I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong) we were told to change things by 10% which would be 2 or 3 units for you?

Can you email or phone your DSN for advice at all?
Emma - would it be worth cutting it back by a bit more as you are having so many hypos. I think on the Dafne course (I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong) we were told to change things by 10% which would be 2 or 3 units for you?

Can you email or phone your DSN for advice at all?

Yeah maybe 2 unit's would be better thanks rachel, I can email them and they get back to me quite quickly usually but I want to be able to give them a clear picture of what is going on but I've only just started writing a diary of my bg's and insulin taken etc x
hey emma, what meter are you using? any way to upload your results and print them off for you to show your dsn the patterns lately?
My sugars have been very low lately too! my highest one for 3 weeks was 12 but was very short lived lol its a night mare, but i know in no way shape or form have my insulin requirements went back to normal since having grace... thats bound to be 14 weeks now!!
It has been so depressing lately, and gettting to the stage where I go *hmm another hypo, how shocking...😱* Oh the sarcasm!!

I hope your feeling better soon hun, I thought I was begining to get to grips with my bgs again but sadly Im going to have to try something else as well!! :(

Dsn on monday.... fingers crossed ill be enlightened then.... or maybe not 🙄
hey emma, what meter are you using? any way to upload your results and print them off for you to show your dsn the patterns lately?
My sugars have been very low lately too! my highest one for 3 weeks was 12 but was very short lived lol its a night mare, but i know in no way shape or form have my insulin requirements went back to normal since having grace... thats bound to be 14 weeks now!!
It has been so depressing lately, and gettting to the stage where I go *hmm another hypo, how shocking...😱* Oh the sarcasm!!

I hope your feeling better soon hun, I thought I was begining to get to grips with my bgs again but sadly Im going to have to try something else as well!! :(

Dsn on monday.... fingers crossed ill be enlightened then.... or maybe not 🙄

It's been 4 1/2 months now since having Jessica and things are still not back to normal I had a brief period where my requirements were the same as before the pregnancy but they've gone mad now :confused:

I put my lantus down to 25 units last night and woke up to a 11.1 so better than 2.7 but a bit high I think I'm going to leave the lantus for a few days now see what happens with my levels before i change anything again! Grr I feel your pain lou and it's been longer for me, I hope you get some help on monday. I have no idea about downloading them might have a look tonight in the box, I've got a freestyle lite meter.

On the upside I'm taking Jessica swimming soon! I can't wait xxx
Oh that sounds fun Emma:D

Hope fully your lantus will sort its self out in a few days, I know for me I have to wait a bit before I notice the difference 🙄 I just hope my hypos lately dont affect my hba1c too much next week 😱 Its not going to be high though as ive only had 3 readings in the last month above 10...

I hope you go back to normal soon though, its such a pain having to deal with all of the diabetes stuff when all you wanna do is have fun with the wee one! Its just a pity that you cant ignore the diabetes for at least one day eh!! 🙄 xxx
It's been 4 1/2 months now since having Jessica and things are still not back to normal I had a brief period where my requirements were the same as before the pregnancy but they've gone mad now :confused:

I put my lantus down to 25 units last night and woke up to a 11.1 so better than 2.7 but a bit high I think I'm going to leave the lantus for a few days now see what happens with my levels before i change anything again! Grr I feel your pain lou and it's been longer for me, I hope you get some help on monday. I have no idea about downloading them might have a look tonight in the box, I've got a freestyle lite meter.

On the upside I'm taking Jessica swimming soon! I can't wait xxx

Emma you can get the co-pilot software from abbot along with the cable for conneting your meter to your computer for your freestyle lite meter usually for free try calling 0500 647 466 I think that is the abbot carline
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