With rather less than 90 days before I reach the age of 70, I thought it a good idea to start the procedure to renew my driving licence. Having entered a few details, I had the alert that I was not eligible to use the service. Confusion was resolved when, looking more closely, I saw that my current licence expires eight days before my birthday. Knowing that, I managed to complete the application, though I am curious that there were none of the usual health questions. Is this because the licence will only cover eight days? I also read that the DVLA usually send an automatic reminder 90 days before one reaches 70. Am I right in thinking that they did not do so because the licence expired before the relevant age? The acknowledgement suggests that "The driving licence should arrive in the post within 2 weeks." I imagine I will then be able to renew. The Type 1 is in pretty good shape, with no hypos at all, so I and the medical people should be able to give the right answers.