70+ confusion

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
With rather less than 90 days before I reach the age of 70, I thought it a good idea to start the procedure to renew my driving licence. Having entered a few details, I had the alert that I was not eligible to use the service. Confusion was resolved when, looking more closely, I saw that my current licence expires eight days before my birthday. Knowing that, I managed to complete the application, though I am curious that there were none of the usual health questions. Is this because the licence will only cover eight days? I also read that the DVLA usually send an automatic reminder 90 days before one reaches 70. Am I right in thinking that they did not do so because the licence expired before the relevant age? The acknowledgement suggests that "The driving licence should arrive in the post within 2 weeks." I imagine I will then be able to renew. The Type 1 is in pretty good shape, with no hypos at all, so I and the medical people should be able to give the right answers.
DVLA works in mysterious ways (not always good)
Just to confirm, I now have the licence returned, renewed to 2025. The medical renewal is not affected by reaching the age of 70.
I was 68 when mine fell due for renewal (pre pandemic) and was most surprised when it was renewed for the 'normal' 3 years rather than expiring at 70! There again, I didn't bother keeping my C1 when we all lost it anyway as I've never driven anything bigger engined in my life and OH (no diabetes) kept his C1 at 70 and still has it aged 74, so no particular need for me.
Just to confirm, I now have the licence returned, renewed to 2025. The medical renewal is not affected by reaching the age of 70.

That makes sense I guess… once you are on the 3-yearly ones you are getting checked and assessed for fitness to drive pretty frequently anyway!
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