7.4 Omg 7.4

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Have just tested bs, at the moment Im a bit obsessional about it and test about four times a day. Its 7.4 omg its not been that low for ages. It was 20.00 this morning. Maybe the Insatard has got off its backside and decided to work. I feel so chuffed I know its only one reading but you guys have no idea how much this reading means to me. Only thing is I feel a bit hypo but I guess my body is just not used to such low levels and thinks its to low so is trying to trick me in to thinking Im having a hypo
Take care all
gail :D:D
Gail that is wonderful news hun im so chuffed for you x
Woooooo, great feeling Gail, lets hope it continues. 🙂

Cheering with you on this one. My son's levels are often riding too high and then when they are in the normal range he feels hypo and cries when i say he can't have sugar! But i feel i need it he says :-/ so for me its really interetsing reading your comment about feeling a bit hypo.

Glad you got a good reading, I hope good readings continue.
Hi Gail - the Insulatard is only behaving as it knows you want to ditch it - well I know it isn't but isn't it strange that when you try to get your data to show its not working it suddenly kicks in.

Could there be anything else at play - like you being more relaxed and happy since your new hair colour ?

Whatever is happening I hope its the start of a good trend for you.
Great news Gail long may it continue🙂
Cheering with you on this one. My son's levels are often riding too high and then when they are in the normal range he feels hypo and cries when i say he can't have sugar! But i feel i need it he says :-/ so for me its really interetsing reading your comment about feeling a bit hypo.


My daughter is the same - can feel hypo at 7 or more if been in the higher range for a while, and also feel really high when 'only' about 16, after being lower for a while. I think its all to do with the sudden ups and downs making them feel weird.

Well done with that level Gail - hope you manage to keep it up - i think its the new hair colour thats done it :D
Great stuff, hope the good levels keep going 🙂
Gail, that's brilliant. Long may it continue.
its gone back up to 14.6 all i have had to eat today is breakfast 2 rounds wholemeal toast dinner bowl of homemade vegetable soup Tea salad with lettuce leaves, toms, mushrooms and spring onions. I cant win
Ooh but Gail, 14 is still better than 20! Keep positive🙂
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