640g six months on

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went up to London for my first 6 monthly check up and the Doctor was very pleased with my results HBa1c 5.9 and no major hypos since I went on the pump, of course I still have some low readings at times but don't we all. What surprised me was that she printed off sheets of information from my pump and showed them to me so there is no chance of trying to cheat about anything. We discussed carb ratios and suggested some changes to them and I am trying them out now with doing lots of BG tests.

I am really pleased I chose the Medtronic 640g as it is so easy to use and has made a world of difference to me dealing with being a diabetic and after nearly 53 years with living with it.

Excellent results jusme! 🙂 Sounds like you have really taken to it, and a very productive appointment 🙂
Went up to London for my first 6 monthly check up and the Doctor was very pleased with my results HBa1c 5.9 and no major hypos since I went on the pump, of course I still have some low readings at times but don't we all. What surprised me was that she printed off sheets of information from my pump and showed them to me so there is no chance of trying to cheat about anything. We discussed carb ratios and suggested some changes to them and I am trying them out now with doing lots of BG tests.

I am really pleased I chose the Medtronic 640g as it is so easy to use and has made a world of difference to me dealing with being a diabetic and after nearly 53 years with living with it.

Pleased for you Jusme. Pumps are good 🙂
After 53yrs of T1 you deserve a break on up to 3/5 injections a day 🙂
LOL - didn't you realise they could do that?

Resistance is futile you know - there shouldn't have been any surprises there for you anyway - but you can get a copy of the software and download it at home before you go - my appt's on Weds so I need to do mine tomorrow.

Not sure what they use for the Medtronic though, is it Diasend?
I use two meters and don't usually connect my meter to my pump. My DSN looks so crestfallen when she asks if she can download my meter and I tell her!
Ah - you obviously don't use a Roche then ! (the matching meters for both pumps are also the remote controls for the pump to save you having to fish the thing out after the meter's calculated the bolus or correction)
I use two meters and don't usually connect my meter to my pump. My DSN looks so crestfallen when she asks if she can download my meter and I tell her!
Its easy to get downloaded. The staff can see things that you cant. I would recommend letting them see the down load which Medtronic have had for years now 😎
Ah - you obviously don't use a Roche then ! (the matching meters for both pumps are also the remote controls for the pump to save you having to fish the thing out after the meter's calculated the bolus or correction)
Actually I do, and am on my second one. I don't use the meter that came with it because I find it too bulky to carry around and having become so used to doing everything via the pump, I have never felt the need,(apart from when we went on a cruise last year so I had to dress up so needed to wear the pump under my clothing). I calculate boluses and corrections in my head, again having had to do so for years it's second nature. That meter stays by my bed and I carry the Aviva Nano meter round with me as it's tiny and light, as well as having useful pockets in the case for spare batteries, used strips etc.
Just imagining you sat at the Captain's table saying to him 'Excuse me, could you help me fish my pump out from inside my bra please?' LOL

When mine's buried it's well and truly buried - not inside my bra (how do you get a boob and a pump in a bra? - could prolly do it with the Insight if I wanted to look lopsided - but a Combo didn't even fit in one of my empty bra cups, without a boob in sight!) so most likely in a 'bra hanger' and if you ever use one, it's hellishly difficult to get the pump in and out of them!
Went up to London for my first 6 monthly check up and the Doctor was very pleased with my results HBa1c 5.9 and no major hypos since I went on the pump, of course I still have some low readings at times but don't we all. What surprised me was that she printed off sheets of information from my pump and showed them to me so there is no chance of trying to cheat about anything. We discussed carb ratios and suggested some changes to them and I am trying them out now with doing lots of BG tests.

I am really pleased I chose the Medtronic 640g as it is so easy to use and has made a world of difference to me dealing with being a diabetic and after nearly 53 years with living with it.

Well done Jusme 😎
Just imagining you sat at the Captain's table saying to him 'Excuse me, could you help me fish my pump out from inside my bra please?' LOL

When mine's buried it's well and truly buried - not inside my bra (how do you get a boob and a pump in a bra? - could prolly do it with the Insight if I wanted to look lopsided - but a Combo didn't even fit in one of my empty bra cups, without a boob in sight!) so most likely in a 'bra hanger' and if you ever use one, it's hellishly difficult to get the pump in and out of them!
That made me laugh! When I wear a dress (very rare) I put my pump in a pocket on my leg. I wouldn't want to run for a bus with it there but it's ok for a sedate evening's dining!
Cor - bit heavy for me to carry on my leg.
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