63-stone teen Georgia Davis to be treated at Swansea's Morriston Hospital

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A WELSH girl dubbed Britain's fattest teenager is checking into a Swansea obesity clinic in her battle with the bulge.

Georgia Davis, who had to be cut out of her house and rushed to hospital a week ago, has already lost a shock three stone in just 10 days.

The 19-year-old, from Aberdare, whose weight was claimed to be 63 stone after sneaking deliveries of junk food that she ordered online past her parents, will spend the next three months in Merthyr's Prince Charles Hospital.

Instead of eating food packed with calories she is now living off hospital food.

To be honest this story seems to ring as true as stories of Welsh dragons! After a house being half demolished to extradite her we are asked to believe that she was nipping downstairs to take deliveries of junk food. So who was paying for all this food? Then we are being asked to believe that her parents were trying to get her top eat healthily. Looking at their photographs they would not know a healthy meal if it was laid out in front of them. If they had let their dog get into this state the RSPCA would have prosecuted them; instead we ought to feel sympathy?*! This seems a cover up to protect them. And what were social services up to? This teenager had a huge history (pun intended) of weight problems yet they do not seem to have kept an eye on her wellbeing. Near me a well off single woman of 40?ish decided to start a family before it was too late. Her, and her young daughter, are continually hounded by social services for no good reason. Obviously a soft target. Do not get me wrong I wish this teenager well but think they have to keep her slob parents at arm?s length to give her any chance. Doubtless many of you will disagree but sometimes the truth hurts.
When I was a kid, just after the war, there was no fat kids 'caus food was rationed. A Canadian airman who was lodging with us from the nearby air base gave me my first banana when I was five. Some yank airmen gave us a tin of fruit salad, it was heaven!
Tend to agree with you Austin Mini. Although I cannot recall rationing being nearly a decade younger only about 1% of the children at my primary school were overweight. This had crept up to about 3% when I left sixth form. However it now seems to be around 25 - 33%. I just do not understand why not more is done to address it. Seeing kids pigging out in our local Subway both before and after school suggests something is wrong somewhere!
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