6 monthly diabetes bloods.....


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just been along to my GP surgery for my 6monthly diabetes bloods and thought I would check my Libre prediction when I got back to see how things compare when the actual results come back in a day or two.

Libre predicts an HbA1c of 42 for the past 90 days with 28.2 variability and 90% in range but a naughty 7% below 😳, mostly nocturnal hypos despite reducing my evening Levemir dose down to zero. I needed 4 JBs to get me through the night last night (low alarm went off 3 times!) with no evening Levemir and I went to bed at 6.2mmols with no active Fiasp and woke up on 4.9, yet I needed a couple of corrections through the day with Fiasp to keep me under 10, so can't really afford to drop my morning dose of 20u any lower.

Anyway, we shall see how the actual result compares to that 42.

Interestingly, I had previously just lifted the predicted HbA1c from LibreView, not taking into account it was only for the past 14 days, so this time I changed the parameters for the AGP report to 90 days and it went up slightly from 41 to 42 mmols/mol or 6% in old money. I have a gut feeling this is probably going to be quite close to my actual result, but will know in a day or two I expect.
Could you go to bed on a slightly higher number @rebrascora ? I drop overnight even on a very low dose of basal, so when I take a pump break, I try to go to bed on around 8mmol to allow for this drop.
Could you go to bed on a slightly higher number @rebrascora ? I drop overnight even on a very low dose of basal, so when I take a pump break, I try to go to bed on around 8mmol to allow for this drop.
I would have to go to bed above 10 to negate the drop that requires 4 JBs and I don't sleep well at those levels whereas mostly I sleep very well when I am in the 4s and 5s even when I have to wake up and eat a jelly baby or two. I can be back to sleep in a matter of a couple of minutes after the alarm goes off, whereas when I am 8 or above I toss and turn and overheat. Plus of course sometimes my levels go the other way and if I wake up high in the morning, it takes hours to bring me down with Fiasp which I find really frustrating. I don't mind the lows particularly and they are really easily fixed but they look bad on my Libre report. 😳
It was many years ago now but I think I was told to go to bed between 8 and 10mmol initially. I get what you’re saying about feeling hot at high levels, but if, say, you went to bed at 8mmol and gradually dropped down overnight, I don’t think you’d be too hot?

Yes, things sometimes go the other way, which is frustrating and very annoying! It’s much, much easier now we have CGMs though as the alarm can alert us if we’re going too high. That makes me more confident to eat if I think I might need it.
Like @rebrascora I struggle to sleep when my BG is higher. I do not feel hot but my mind is overly active so I toss and turn more. And if my BG rises in my sleep, I am as likely to wake on a 10mmol/l as I am to wake on a 3.5mmol/l.
So I sympathise with you Barbara. However, I wonder if you could raise your lower target so you can wake and treat a predicted hypo rather than waiting until your long term Libre metrics are affected.
Results are in..... and as usual Libre has under predicted, which at least makes me feel better about the time I spend in the red as that under prediction suggests I am not as low as often, or at least I think that is the conclusion I can draw. I rarely finger prick during the night (or the day for that matter when I have a hypo) when I know it isn't a compression low, so I just eat a JB or 2 and go straight back to sleep.

Anyway, my result is 46mmols/mol, so 4mmols higher than my Libre prediction. Happy enough with that. I certainly would not want to try to get it lower as my TIR below range would look even worse. 😱 Currently 10% but it was 16% last week. I am blaming the antibiotics for my tooth abscess, although it was after I stopped them that the hypos got a lot worse. Wondering if there was some other long term infection lurking somewhere in my body that the antiBs fixed as well as the abscess, because my basal was lower after the medication than my usual summer doses.

All other blood results OK, but lipids not done this time. They are just once a year Feb/March.