6 Month Update - HbA1c 33 mmol/mol


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, this is just a quick update following all the help I received here in the past from members.

I attended a 3 month blood test appointment last Tuesday (23rd Sept) and the medical staff just called to say my HbA1c reading is 33 mmol/mol and that my doctor had asked her to call to find out what help or support I am getting to be at this level. I explained I eat around 60g carbs a day and run every other day, but get no external support. I have also lost about 100lbs in weight since March.

March 28, 2024 - 79 mmol/mol
June 4, 2024 - 35 mmol/mol
September 30, 2024 - 33 mmol/mol

I wear a Dexcom One+ CGM for part of each month and do a daily finger prick test as suggested to me here in the past.

I have just reached my goal weight of 175lbs, down from 300lbs, and I am unsure about increasing my carb intake. I would like to increase my weekly running total to 40 miles per week, up from 30 miles per week, and need to fuel for running. If anyone has any experience of running and fueling to restore energy reserves it would be great to hear from them.
Hearty congratulations!
Now the big challenge is keeping your weight down.
I'd eat just a little bit more and let your running keep your weight stable.
Hi, this is just a quick update following all the help I received here in the past from members.

I attended a 3 month blood test appointment last Tuesday (23rd Sept) and the medical staff just called to say my HbA1c reading is 33 mmol/mol and that my doctor had asked her to call to find out what help or support I am getting to be at this level. I explained I eat around 60g carbs a day and run every other day, but get no external support. I have also lost about 100lbs in weight since March.

March 28, 2024 - 79 mmol/mol
June 4, 2024 - 35 mmol/mol
September 30, 2024 - 33 mmol/mol

I wear a Dexcom One+ CGM for part of each month and do a daily finger prick test as suggested to me here in the past.

I have just reached my goal weight of 175lbs, down from 300lbs, and I am unsure about increasing my carb intake. I would like to increase my weekly running total to 40 miles per week, up from 30 miles per week, and need to fuel for running. If anyone has any experience of running and fueling to restore energy reserves it would be great to hear from them.
Fantastically well done, there are a few runners on here so I'm sure you will get some suggestions. I can't run to save my life, never could but even more so after a knee injury and of course being OLD.
Many congratulations on a great HbA1c result and fantastic weight loss! I am sure your post will be an inspiration to others at the start of their journey as well as being uplifting for those of us who post regularly on the forum. I think, as regards your doctors query re external support, it will be helpful to give them feedback that they can use to advise other patients, as you are clearly a model patient yourself. As you have already mentioned, the forum is a really great resource of free support to everyone, so please do mention that. Home testing is as you know something that many of us feel is important, but doctors and nurses advise against so please also stress that testing has been really helpful to you both in in terms of adjusting your diet and knowing which foods to reduce or avoid and which you can get away with, but also it can be really motivational and reassuring to see the trend your levels reducing week after week. Most GPs and nurses will not prescribe test kit for people unless they are on certain meds which can cause hypos, but they often actively discourage people from testing even if self funding and I think this is one of the things which hampers many people who might be otherwise encouraged to test. It seems wrong to do something that your nurse or GP have told you not to do or you don't need to do or won't help, when in reality it gives you the knowledge to manage your diabetes well yourself through lifestyle changes. So please do stress that and hopefully he will encourage his other diabetic patients to buy a test kit and start doing some strategic testing and come to this forum for support and then hopefully they will benefit from your feedback.

Very best wishes with your continued good management.
Many congratulations on a great HbA1c result and fantastic weight loss! I am sure your post will be an inspiration to others at the start of their journey as well as being uplifting for those of us who post regularly on the forum. I think, as regards your doctors query re external support, it will be helpful to give them feedback that they can use to advise other patients, as you are clearly a model patient yourself. As you have already mentioned, the forum is a really great resource of free support to everyone, so please do mention that. Home testing is as you know something that many of us feel is important, but doctors and nurses advise against so please also stress that testing has been really helpful to you both in in terms of adjusting your diet and knowing which foods to reduce or avoid and which you can get away with, but also it can be really motivational and reassuring to see the trend your levels reducing week after week. Most GPs and nurses will not prescribe test kit for people unless they are on certain meds which can cause hypos, but they often actively discourage people from testing even if self funding and I think this is one of the things which hampers many people who might be otherwise encouraged to test. It seems wrong to do something that your nurse or GP have told you not to do or you don't need to do or won't help, when in reality it gives you the knowledge to manage your diabetes well yourself through lifestyle changes. So please do stress that and hopefully he will encourage his other diabetic patients to buy a test kit and start doing some strategic testing and come to this forum for support and then hopefully they will benefit from your feedback.

Very best wishes with your continued good management.
Thank you Barbara. If I am being honest with you I was frustrated with the initial questioning today as I felt I had no support from my doctor since my diagnosis in March this year. I mentioned getting support from diabetes.org.uk and that I am self funding home testing. As you pointed out, the home testing has 100% been a huge part of my success to date and given me confidence to make changes. If they had told me about Dr Unwin or Dr Fung that would have helped me at the start, but I had to find out about things myself.
I can totally understand and share your frustration with the situation and it is one that many come to the forum having experienced but unfortunately the system is unlikely to change any time soon unless these GPs get some hard truth feedback from people like yourself who have been so successful about what actually works. At least your GP took notice of your significant improvement and asked you for feedback on it.
I should say, it isn't really the GPs or nurses fault because they simply don't understand how incredibly useful strategic testing can be and because there was some study done about 15 years ago which showed that testing did not improve outcomes, they just follow the NICE guidance on testing. The problem with that study that showed no improvement in results was that people were discouraged from making changes to their diet during the study (crazy I know), so of course testing on its own will not help, nor will random testing, but strategic testing and making lifestyle changes according to the results is a whole other ballgame and will yield good, sometimes startlingly good results in many cases.
Congratulations @Twisty2229 on your weight loss and low HbA1c result. I don't think I could run 30 miles a week. You have done really well without support from your healthcare professionals. I hope they take your feedback on board.
Well done on your terrific progress @Twisty2229 - hope you are feeling the benefit of the hugely improved BG levels, and massive reduction in your weight!

Our ex-admin @Northerner was very helpful when I was trying to improve my distance running.

There may also be some hints and tips in the Exercise and Sport section
Well done on your terrific progress @Twisty2229 - hope you are feeling the benefit of the hugely improved BG levels, and massive reduction in your weight!

Our ex-admin @Northerner was very helpful when I was trying to improve my distance running.

There may also be some hints and tips in the Exercise and Sport section
Thank you, I will go and have a good read through the posts.