^6 month check up result.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just back from London from my 6 month check up. HbA1c 5.6 - I say super Dr says it is too low and I should not let my BGs go below 4 - easier said than done, however between us he sets my basal rates with my agreement, he also explained why at my age that I should not let my BGs go below 4 but do my best not to let them go above 9. I agree to all this and really appreciated the time he spent with me.
He is applying for the Golden medal for me as it is good publicity for younger people to see what they can achieve, I have never bothered about it when I have been asked to before but I remembered what a young woman said to me when we were on the pump course and she told me that if I could keep in such good health and no complications by keeping to the rules then there was lots for her to look forward to.

Fantastic numbers, well done!
just to say brilliant and very good result long term may this go on long while to
H ABC1 7/7,5 prior to pump 8/9/10
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